3. He places, when ten days have elapsed since (the delivery), the little child in the mother's lap,
4. And after he has sacrificed with the Mahâvyâhritis, the sacrifice (that had been omitted, is performed) as (stated) above.
1. If a post puts forth shoots,
2. Let him prepare a mess of cooked food and offer the boiled rice with the two (verses), ' In that way bringing forth deeds' (Srauta-sûtra III, 17, 1), 'Of tawny shape, weighty, a giver of vigour' (Rigveda II, 3, 9).
3. Should the pot for the Pranîtâ water, the Âgyapot, or any other earthen (vessel) be damaged and leak,
4. He sacrifices the two Sarvaprâyaskitta oblations and recites the three verses, ' He who without' (Rig-veda VIII, 1, 12 seq.), over the broken (vessel).
5. Should the two (Kusa blades which are used as) strainers be spoiled before the completion of the sacrifice,
6. Let him sacrifice the Sarvaprâyaskitta and make new ones with (the verse), ' In the water, Agni' (Rigveda VIII, 43, 9).
1. Now (follows) the Sapindikarana.
3. On the ten days, comp. I, 25, I and the note there.
8, 3. On the Pranîtâ water, see above, I, 8, 8. 25.
4. Comp. I, 9, 12 and the note there.
5. See I, 8, 14 seqq.
6. See Sûtra 4.
9, I seqq. Comp. above, IV, 3 and the notes there.
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