occurs frequently. It seems to have two meanings. It is derived from dúvas, which in the Vedic language means worship or sacrifice, just as karma, work, has assumed the special sense of sacrifice. Derived from dúvas in this sense, duvasyati means to worship. But dúvas meant originally any opus operatum. The root from which dúvas is derived, is lost in Sanskrit, but it exists in other languages. It must have been du or dû in the sense of acting, or sedulously working. It exists in Zend as du, to do, in Gothic as táujan, gataujan, Old High-German zawjan, Modern German zauen (Grimm, Gram. i2. p. 1041). The Gothic tavi, opus, Old High-German zouwi, Middle HighGerman gezö uwe (Grimm, Gram. iii. p. 499), come from the same source; and it is possible, too, that the Old Norse taufr, modern töfrar, incantamenta, the Old HighGerman zoupar, Middle High-German zouber, both neuter, and the modern Zauber, may find their explanation in the Sanskrit dúvas. Derived from dúvas, in the sense of work, we have duvasyati in the sense of helping, providing, the German schaffen and verschaffen.
In the sense of worshipping, duvasyati occurs, III, 2, 8. duvasyáta-gâtá-vedasam. Worship Gâtavedas.
V, 28, 6. & guhota duvasyáta agním.
Invoke, worship Agni. Cf. III, 13, 3; 1, 13.
III, 3, 1. agník hí devẩn-duvasyáti.
Agni performs the worship of the gods. Cf. VII, 82, 5. I, 167, 6. sutá-somah duvasyán.
He who has poured out Soma and worships.
In many passages duvasyati is joined with an instru
V, 42, II. námah-bhik devám-duvasya.
Worship the god with praises.
I, 78, 2. tám u tvâ gótamah gira-duvasyati. Gotama worships thee with a song. V, 49, 2. su-uktaíh devám-duvasya. Worship the god with hymns. VI, 16, 46. vîtî yáh devám-duvasyét. He who worships the god with a feast.
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