NOTES. 1, 87, 5.
sponding with the following ási, is vouched for by the Pada text, in such matters a better authority than the Samhità text, and certainly in this case fully borne out by the Prâtisåkhya, I, 163, 10. Unless we read ayah, we must take ayã as an adverb, in the sense of thus or hence; cf. VI, 66, 4. In some passages where ayă seems thus to be used as an adverb, it would be better to supply a noun from the preceding verse. Thus in II, 6, 2, ayã refers to samidham in II, 6, 1. In VI, 17, 15, a similar noun, samídha or gira, should be supplied. But there are other passages where, unless we suppose that the verse was meant to illustrate a ceremonial act, such as the placing of a samidh, and that aya pointed to it, we must take it as a simple adverb, like the Greek rø: RV. III, 12, 2; IX, 53, 2; 106, 14. In X, 116, 9, the Pada reads ayah-iva, not aya, as given by Roth; in VI, 66, 4, aya nú, the accent is likewise on the first.
Note 3. Rina-yấvan is well explained by B. and R. as going after debt, searching out sin. Sayana, though he explains rina-yavan by removing sin, derives it nevertheless correctly from rina and ya, and not from yu. The same formation is found in subham-yavan, &c.; and as there is rina-ya besides rina-yávan, so we find subham-ya besides subham-yavan. Ludwig prefers the derivation from yu.
Verse 3. Note 1. The Soma-juice inspires the poet with eloquence.
Note 2. Sámi occurs again in II, 31,6; III, 55, 3 ; VIII, 45, 27; X, 40, 1. Grassmann has shown that it may be taken as an instrum. of sánıî, meaning work, but with special reference to the toil of the battle-field or the sacrifice. It is used in the former sense in
VIII, 45, 27. vi ânat turváne sámi.
He (Indra) was able to overcome, lit. he reached to, or he arrived at the overcoming or at victory by toil.
But, like other words which have the general meaning of working or toiling, sámi is used both in a general sense, and in the more special sense of sacrifice.
X, 40, 1. vástoh-vastoh váhamanam dhiya sámi.
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