BENFEY: Kaum geboren sind sie so stark, dass ihrer Mutter sie entfiehn : ist ja doch zwiefach ihre Kraft.
LUDWIG: Denn fest ist ihr geburtsort, vögel (sind sie) von der mutter fortzugehn, nach dem, wie von altersher ihre kraft.
Oder, Denn fest ist ihre kraft geworden von der mutter sich zu trennen, da schon von alters her ihre kraft diss wollte.
Note 1. A very difficult verse. The birth of the Maruts is frequently alluded to, as well as their surpassing strength, as soon as born. Hence the first sentence admits of little doubt. But what follows is very abrupt. Váyas may be the plural of vi, bird, or it may be vayas, the neuter, meaning vital strength : see Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. xv, p. 217. The Maruts are frequently compared to birds (cf. I, 87, 2; 88, 1), but it is usual to indicate the comparison by ná or iva. I therefore take vayas as a nom. sing. neut., in the sense of vigour, life. They are called brihadvayasah in a Nivid; see Ludwig, p. 226. Nir-i is used with particular reference to the birth of a child (cf. V, 78, 7; 9).
Verse 10. WILSON : They are the generators of speech : they spread out the waters in their courses: they urge the lowing (cattle) to enter (the water), up to their knees, (to drink.)
BENFEY : In ihrem Lauf erheben dann diese Söhne Getös und Fluth, die bis zum Knie den Kühen geht.
LUDWIG: Und dise söne, die sänger, denten auf ihren zügen ihre banen aus, so dass brüllend sie uns ganz nahe kamen.
Note 1. If we could take sûnávah girah in the sense of the sons of voice, i. e, of thunder, which would remove many difficulties, the accent of girah would have to be changed. The commentator takes sūnu in the sense of utpådaka, producers of sound. Girah, however, occurs at least once more, in the sense of singers or poets, IX, 63, 10, where girah can only be a vocative, O ye singers! In I, 6, 6, the translation of girah by singers, i. e. the Maruts, may be contested, but if we consider that girah, in the sense of
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