Verse 4.
WILSON: Who are fierce, and send down rain, and are unsurpassed in strength: come, Agni, with the Maruts.
BENFEY: Die schrecklich-unbesiegbaren, die mächtiglich Licht angefacht-Mit diesen Marut's, Agni! komm!
LUDWIG: Die singen, die gewaltigen, ihr lied unangegriffen durch (ihre) kraft, mit den Marut, Agni, kom.
Note 1. Sâyana explains arká by water. Hence Wilson : 'Who are fierce and send down rain.' But arká has only received this meaning of water in the artificial system of interpretation first started by the authors of the Brahmanas, who had lost all knowledge of the natural sense of the ancient hymns. The passages in which arká is explained as water in the Brahmanas are quoted by Sâyana, but they require no refutation. On the singing of the Maruts, see note to I, 38, 15; also Bergaigne, Journ. As. 1884, p. 194. The perfect in the Veda, like the perfect in Homer, has frequently to be rendered in English by the present.
Verse 5.
WILSON: Who are brilliant, of terrific forms, who are possessors of great wealth, and are devourers of the malevolent: come, Agni, with the Maruts.
BENFEY: Die glänzend-grau'ngestaltigen, hochherrschend feindvernichtenden - -Mit diesen Marut's, Agni!
LUDWIG: Die glanzvollen, von schrecklicher gestalt, von grosser herschaft, feindverzerer, mit den Marut, Agni, kom. Verse 6.
WILSON: Who are divinities abiding in the radiant heaven above the sun: come, Agni, with the Maruts.
BENFEY: Die Götter die im Himmel sind ob dem Lichtkreis des Göttersitz's-Mit diesen Marut's, Agni! komm!
LUDWIG: Die ob der himmelswölbung glanz, am himel die götter sitzen, mit den Marut, Agni, kom.
Note 1. Naka must be translated by firmament, as there
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