This hymn is ascribed to Medhatithi, of the family of Kanva. Verse I=SV. I, 16.
Verse 1. WILSON: Earnestly art thou invoked to this perfect rite, to drink the Soma juice; come, Agni, with the Maruts.
BENFEY: Zu diesem schönen Opfer wirst du gerufen, zum Trank der Milch !-Mit diesen Marut's, Agni! komm!
Her zu diesem schönen opfer, gerufen wirst zum milchtrank du, mit den Marut, Agni, kom.
Note 1. Gopîthá is explained by Yaska and Sayana as drinking of Soma. I have kept to the literal signification of the word, a draught of milk. In the last verse of our hymn the libation offered to Agni and the Maruts is said to consist of Soma, but Soma was commonly mixed with milk. The other meaning assigned to gopîthá, protection, would give the sense: 'Thou art called for the sake of protection.' But pitha has clearly the sense of drinking in soma-pîthá, RV. I, 51, 7, and may therefore be taken in the same sense in gopitha.
Verse 2. WILSON: No god nor man has power over a rite (dedicated) to thee, who art mighty: come, Agni, with the Maruts.
BENFEY: Denn nicht ein Gott, kein Sterblicher ragt über dein, des Grossen, Macht-Mit diesen Marut's, Agni! komm!
LUDWIG: Es überragt kein gott, kein sterblicher die einsicht dein des grossen, mit den Marut, Agni, kom.
Note 1. The Sanskrit krátu expresses power both of body and mind. Parah governs the accusative.
Verse 3. WILSON : Who all are divine, and devoid of malignity,
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