Having thus explained the different meanings of arushá and árushî in the Rig-veda, I feel it incumbent, at least for once, to explain the reasons why I differ from the classification of Vedic passages as given in the Dictionary published by Bochtlingk and Roth. Here, too, the passages in which arushá is used as an adjective are very properly separated from those in which it appears as a substantive. To begin with the first, it is said that 'arushá means ruddy, the colour of Agni and his horses; he (Agni) himself appears as a red-horse.' In support of this, the following passages are quoted:
III, 1, 4. ávardhayan su-bhágam saptá yahvih svetám gagñânám arushám mahi-tva, sísum ná gâtám abhí âruh ásvåh. Here, however, it is only said that Agni was born brilliant-white, and grew red, that the horses came to him as they come to a new-born foal. Agni himself is not called a red-horse.
NOTES. I, 6, 1.
III, 7, 5. Here, again, vrishnah arushásya is no doubt meant for Agni. But vrishan by itself does not mean horse, though it is added to different names of horses to qualify them as male horses; cf. VII, 69, 1, a vâm ráthah vrishabhih yâtu ásvaik, may your chariot come near with powerful horses, i. e. with stallions. See note to I, 85, 12. We are therefore not justified in translating arushá vrishan by red-horse, but only by the red male, or the red hero.
In III, 31, 3, agnih gagãe guhvã régamânah mahák putrấn arushásya pra-yákshe, I do not venture to say who is meant by the mahah putran arushásya, whether Adityas or Maruts, but hardly the sons of Agni, as Agni himself is mentioned as only born. But, even if it were so, the father of these sons (putra) could hardly be intended here for a horse.
IV, 6, 9. táva tyé agne harítah ghrita-snah róhitâsah rigu-áñkah su-áñkah, arushasah vrishanah rigu-mushkah. Here, so far from Agni being represented as a red-horse, his different horses, the Harits or bays, the Rohitas or
• See V, 1, 4. svetáh vâg gâyate ágre áhnâm. X, 1, 6. arusháh gâtáh padé ilâyâh.
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