having moved about and seen both good and bad, hastens back again as he came, to the place from which he started, to the state of waking.
35. Now as a heavy-laden carriage moves along groaning, thus does this corporeal Self, mounted by the intelligent . Self, move along groaning, when a man is thus going to expire ?
36. 'And when (the body) grows weak through old age, or becomes weak through illness, at that time that person, after separating himself from his members, as an Amra (mango), or Udumbara (fig), or Pippala-fruit is separated from the stalk, hastens back again as he came, to the place from which he started, to (new) life.
37. 'And as policemen, magistrates, equerries, and governors wait for a king who is coming back, with food and drink, saying, “ He comes back, he approaches," thus do all the elements wait on him who knows this, saying, “That Brahman comes, that Brahman approaches."
38. 'And as policemen, magistrates, equerries, and governors gather round a king who is departing, thus do all the senses (prânas) gather round the Self at the time of death, when a man is thus going to expire.
1. Yagñavalkya continued: Now when that Self, having sunk into weakness 3, sinks, as it were, into
1 See $ 17, before.
Sankara seems to take ukkhvâsî as a noun. He writes : yatraitad bhavati ; etad iti kriyâviseshanam ûrdhvôkkhvâsî yatrordhvokkhvâsitvam asya bhavatîtyarthah.
s In the Kaush. Up. III, 3, we read yatraitat purusha ârto
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