attachment', without taste, without smell, without eyes, without ears, without speech, without mind, without light (vigour), without breath, without a mouth (or door), without measure, having no within and no without, it devours nothing, and no one devours it.'
9. By the command of that Akshara (the imperishable), O Gârgi, sun and moon stand apart. By the command of that Akshara, O Gârgi, heaven and earth stand apart. By the command of that Akshara, O Gârgi, what are called moments (nimesha), hours (muhûrta), days and nights, halfmonths, months, seasons, years, all stand apart. By the command of that Akshara, O Gârgi, some rivers flow to the East from the white mountains, others to the West, or to any other quarter. By the command of that Akshara, O Gârgi, men praise those who give, the gods follow the sacrificer, the fathers the Darvi-offering.'
10. 'Whosoever, O Gârgi, without knowing that Akshara (the imperishable), offers oblations in this world, sacrifices, and performs penance for a thousand years, his work will have an end. Whosoever, O Gârgi, without knowing this Akshara, departs this world, he is miserable (like a slave) 3. But he, O Gârgi, who departs this world, knowing this Akshara, he is a Brahmana.'
11. 'That Brahman,' O Gârgf, 'is unseen, but seeing; unheard, but hearing; unperceived, but perceiving; unknown, but knowing. There is nothing
1 Not adhering to anything, like lac or gum.
Each follows its own course.
He stores up the effects from work, like a miser his riches,' Roer. He is helpless,' Gough.
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