Vâyu (air). That Vâyu, after having stepped beyond death, blows.
14. Then he carried the eye across. When the eye had become freed from death, it became Aditya (the sun). That Aditya, after having stepped beyond death, burns.
15. Then he carried the ear across. When the ear had become freed from death, it became the quarters (space). These are our quarters (space), which have stepped beyond death.
16. Then he carried the mind across. When the mind had become freed from death, it became the moon (Kandramas). That moon, after having stepped beyond death, shines. Thus does that deity.carry him, who knows this, across death.
17. Then breath (vital), by singing, obtained for himself eatable food. For whatever food is eaten, is eaten by breath alone, and in it breath rests?.
The Devas said : Verily, thus far, whatever food there is, thou hast by singing acquired it for thyself. Now therefore give us a share in that food.' He said: 'You there, enter into me. They said Yes, and entered all into him. Therefore whatever food is eaten by breath, by it the other senses are satisfied.
18. If a man knows this, then his own relations come to him in the same manner; he becomes their supporter, their chief leader, their strong ruler2. And if ever any one tries to oppose one who is possessed of such knowledge among his own relatives, then he
1 This is done by the last nine Pavamânas, while the first three were used for obtaining the reward common to all the prânas.
* Here annâda is well explained by anâmayâvin, and vyâdhirahita, free from sickness, strong. 8 Read pratipratih; see Poley, and Weber, p. 1180.
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