343 sq., 345, 348, 351, 353, 358; Asita Vârshagana, n. of a teacher, imparts riches to the righteous, 4, 15, 226. 222 n.; follows behind Tistrya, 23, Askânian kings, 5, 151, 199 sq. 104 ; procecds with Mithra, 23, and n. 136; Mithra's chariot embraced by Asmân, his flower, 5, 104 ; invoked, A. V., 23, 136; bestows all the 5, 403, 405. See also Heaven (g). good and riches (“Ashi's remedies'), Asmarathya, 1. of a teacher, 34, 23, 188, 188 n., 270-3, 270 n.; in xix, xcix, 150 sq., 276 sq., 279 sq. ; the shape of a fair maiden, 23, 209; 48, 293, 391. the Fravashis bless the house with Asmo-hvanvant, one of the first the presence of the kind A. V., 23, followers of Zarathustra, 23, 33 11., 230; is Piety personified, 23, 270; 203; Fravashi of A. worshipped, daughter of Ahura Mazda, sister of 23, 321. Amesha-Spentas, 23, 270, 274 ; the Asmôk-khanvato, Zd. AsmôAshi Yast devoted to her, 23, hvanvato, n.p., 47, xxx, 165. 270-82; praises and loves Zara- Asnya, the day-lords of the ritual thustra, 23, 274 sq. ; rejects offer- order, worshipped, 31, 196, 204, ings of all sterile people (old men, 209, 215, 219, 223, 368, 379. courtesans, and children), 23, 280 Asoka, Sk., Asoka, Pali, the king, sq. ; legend of A. V. hiding herselt, inscriptions of, 8, 223; A. and 23, 280 sq., and n.; her healing Indian chronology, 10 (i), xxxvvirtues, 31, 347. See Aharîsvang, xlv; his edict of Bhabra, 13, xxvi sq.; Ard, and Arshisang.
schism settled by A., 19, xii sq. ; Ashộpaoirya, n.p., 23, 214.
A. and the Buddhist Church, 19, Ashôraokah, son of Frânya, 23, 204. xiv; raises eighty-four thousand Ashô-urvatha, n.p., 23, 214.
Stûpas, 19, xxjx, 336 sq., 336 1. ; Ashôvahist, 1.p., 5, 148.
Asvaghosha on A., 19, xxxvii; obAshô-zust, see Birds (b).
tained the first holy fruit (SrotaAshtâd, the victorious, comes to panna), 19, 337; his reference to meet the departed soul, 4, 373. the Buddhist Scriptures, 35, xxxvii Ashtakâ, as a deity, 29, 102, 104; sq. ; outdone by the courtesan
A. festivals, see Animal Sacrifices Bindumati, 35, 182 ; Katha Vatthu, (b), and Sacrifices (1).
a controversial work of the period Ashtapada, Rishabha died on the of A., 36, xx. See Kâlâsoka.
summit of Mount A., 22, 285. Aspengargâk, a demon, 5, 28, 28 n.; As ibn Wail, threatened with child- in contest with the rain, 5, 112, lessness, 9, 343 n.
112 n. Asidaka, demon, converted by Aspigâns, family name of Frêdûn, Buddha, 19, 244.
47, 34; ten A., 47, 140. Asikni river, mcdicines on the, 32, Aspôpadhô-makhsti, 1.p., 23, 214.
Asramapada, n.of a park in Benares, Asila, n. of a great ascetic, 45, 268, 22, 273. 269 n.
Asramas, Sk., t.t., the four orders Asita, the Rishi, calls Krishna the or stages of life, viz, student, house
first god, 8, 87, 87 n. ; the Isi A. holder, hermit, and ascetic, 1, 35 1. ; descends from heaven to see Buddha, 7, 14; 8, 216 sq.; 14, +1, 258-62; who has just been born, and pro- 25, 205; he who performs the duties phesies about the child, 10 (ii), of the A., reaches the world of 124-8; 19, xix, 12-18, 93, 355-60, Brahman, 1, 144 ; 8, 315 sq.; 15, 363 sq. ; 49 (i), 10-14, 20, 91; 300 sq.; duties common to all the curative plant from A.'s dwelling, 42, four A., 2, 153; some Smritis allow 31; incantation of A., 42, 107, 255; only the A, of the householder, 2, A. Devala, for Asila ? 45, 269 n. 153 n.; the order of the houseAsita Dhânva, a king, whose holder is the best, for the other A. people are the Asuras, 44, 368, derive their existence from that of 368 11.
the householder, 2, 158-61, 193 ;
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