and A. V., 31, 261; the Kingdom is gives Vistâsp the Hôm to drink, 47, for Ahura and A. V., 31, 283; the 70 sq.; prescribes the care of the longing blessing of A. V., 31, 345; sacred fire, 47, 161, 161 n. ;-worMazdayasnian doctrines have their shipped, 5, 139, 401, 405; meatgrowth from 1. V., 31, 354.
offering to A., 5, 336; protector of (d) WORSHIP OF ASHA VAHISTA. Gre, how to be propitiated, 5, 359,
A.V., Vohu Manô, and Khshathra 372 sq , 375; ceremonial of A., 37, Vairya invoked, 4, 245; A. V. in- 184; invoked, 37, 296. See Isha (c,d). voked and worshipped, 23, 4 sq., Ashâvanghu, son of Bivandangha, 5 n., 13 sq., 30, 35-8, 285, 351, 353; 23, 210, 210 n. 31, 196 sq., &c.; the Ardibehist Ashavazang, son of Pôrûdakhstôb, Yast in praise of A. V. and Airya- one of the seven immortal rulers, inan, 23, 41-8; a blessing is A. V., 18, 256, 256 n., 258 n. or Righteousness (called) the Best, Ashavazd, or Ashavazdah, son of 31, 2 28 sq., 247, 253, 266, 297, 309, Pourudhâkhst, one of the immortals, 359, 371, 379, 381, 383 sq. ; praised 5, 118, 118 n. ; 23, 70 sq., 71 n., by the Ashem Vohû prayer, 31, 212, 212 n. ; 37, 203, 203 n. 266-8. See also Ashavahist.
Ashavazdah, son of Sâyuzdri, 23, Ashâdha, a king who reached final 70 sq., 212. bliss, 49 (i), 94.
Ashemaogha, Zd., t.t., heretics; Ashàdha Savayasa, his opinions the ungodly fasiing heretic, 4, 48, quoted, 12, +.
48 n.; denounced as the type of Ashâdhi Sausromateya, n.p, 41, wickedness, 4, 60 sq., 195 sq.; no 171.
defilerent caused by the death of Ashâhura, son of Gisti, 23, 212. an A., 4, 60 sq., 154 sq. ; the false Asha-nemah, n.p., 23, 219.
cleanser, an A., 4, 135 sq.; the Asha-sairyàk, n.p, 23, 213.
ungodly A. kills the bull, 4, 231; Ashasaredha, son of Asha-sairyak, the malice of the two-legged A.,
23, 213; son of Zairyāk, 23, 213, 23, 26, 26 n. ; 31, 257; smitten by Asha-savah, n.p , 23, 214.
Airyaman, 23, 44-6; confounded Ashâshagahad, -ê Hvandkån, a by Mithravaka, 23, 208, 208 n.; high-priest, 5, 115, 115 n.
Zarathustra invoked against the Ashaskyaothna, son of Gayadhâsti, unholy A., 23, 261; the Waters 23, 212.
worshipped to contradict the A., 31, Ashastu, son of Maidhya-inaungha, 322, See also Heretics. 23, 209.
Ashem-yahmâi-ustâ, n.p., 18, 256 Ashavahist, or Ashavahisto, or n. ; 23, 216, 216 n. See YakhmaArdavalist (Ardibahist, Ardibehest), yûsad. Phl., the archangel Asha Vahista, Ashem-yêNhê-raokau, n.p., 23, Zd., created, 5, 10 sq.; has the 215. mouse-ear (flower), 5, 104; smites Ashem-yêNhê-vereza, n.p., 23 Andar, 5, 128 ; protects fire, 24, 215. 271; connected with the healing of Ashes, the foul part of Agni's food, the sick, 37, 116, 116 1. ; world in 41, 261 ; taking down the a. from the guardianship of A., 37, 244; the fire-pan to the water, and replies to Gês-aûrvan, 37, 393; the bringing back part of it whereby Airyaman of A., 37, 403; the Agni is reproduced from the waters, original creature A., 37, 411 sq.; 41, 293-5. interferes to diminish slaughter of Ashi, see Ashi Vanguhi. cattle, 47, xii, 109; Pâtakhsrôbô, Ashisang, see Ard, Arshisang, Ashi king of the Arabs, through A., 47, Vanguhi. xxv, 12 sg.; Vohu-mano and A. Ashi Vanguhi, the good Blesseddescend with a stem of Hôn to ness or Sanctity, invoked and worcause the birth of Zaratûst, 47, shipped, 4, 222 ; 23, 11, 18, 162, xxix, 22-8; assists Zoroaster in 164, 166, 330, 332; 31, 200, 206, converting Vistâsp, 47, 67-9, 164; 211, 217, 226, 296 sq., 298, 324,
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