Rudra, lord of a. s., 32, 419 sq.; at 164, 166, 171, 400; man, horse, ox, the Sarvamedba, 44, 419 sq. ; at the sheep, goat, as victims, 12, 50; 41, Sautramani, 44, 213 sq. 1., 216-22, 162, 166; 43, 299 sq.; the Ekâ221 n., 229, 245, 251, 261, 271- dasinî or set of eleven victims, 26, 3; hairs of wild beasts put into 173, 173 n., 217-22; the killing of the Surâ cups at the Sautrâmanî, the victim, 26, 178-84, 189; skin44, 218 sq., 229 sq., 261 ; at the ning and cutting open of the victim, Seasonal sacrifices, 44, 309 n., 383, 26, 193 sq. ; cutting up of it, 26, 402 ; slaughtering of animals and 200 sq.; offering of the portions, other preparations for a. s. at season- 26, 204 sq. ; touching of the victim's festivals, 37, 15 sq. ; lawful and un- remains, 26, 209, 209 n.; cutting lawful animals for season-festivals, out and offering of the omentum 37, 429, 434 ; a. s. to the spirits of (vapahoma), 26, 194 sq., 198, 392; the land, of the path, and of the 29, 177, 207, 256, 360, 418 sq. ; 30, four quarters, 3, 371, 371 n., 373, 99 sq., 113, 235, 360 sq. ; 44, 125, 399, 399 n. ; 27, 295; the Súlagava 388, 392 sq., 420; the anguish of sacrifice to Rudra, 29, 255-8, the victim, in being slaughtered, be351-3, 355; 30, 220-4 ; a bull comes concentrated in the heart, sacrificed at a thanksgiving service, which must be cooked separately, 3, 333, 333 sq. n.; the animal vic- 44, 125; collection of fodder for tin for Trashtri set free, 26, 177 the sacrificial victims, 27, 278; to sq.; at the Vágapeya rite, 41, II- 'quiet' a victim is to kill it, 44, 17; animals slain by Lomasa Kas- 321 ; sacredness of the victims slain sapa at the Vâkapeya sacrifice, 36, at sacrifices, 14, 193; the animal 16-19, 16 sq. n.
killed at the a. s. assumes a divine (C) THE VICTIM.
body and goes up to heaven, 25, 175; Inspection and selection of 48, 599; the victim rests in immoranimals for victims, 3, 343, 343 n.; tal life, 26, 198; honour to be ren27, 266, 288; 28, 222 sq.; 39, dered to a sacrificial victim, 27, 97; 220; at a. s. the blood of the victim victims must not be sold, 27, 238; is the share of the Rakshas, 12, 265 the sacrificial ox, in spite of his sq. ; game caught in hunting used ornaments and food, would wish to for a. s., 14, 71; 16, 192 n.; 27, be a solitary calf when led into the 295 ; a pregnant animal not used as ancestral temple, 40, 212; Pragậpati a victim in sacrificing to God, 27, is all the sacrificial animals, 43, 299 417, 417 n.; lowest victims offered sq.; the victim, as Pragậpati, reprein bad years, 28, 166; gifts of mares sents all deities, 43, 404. and camels for a. s., 31, 111, 120 ; (d) THE YûPA OR SACRIFICIAL pigs fed for a. s., 40, 18; the shan- POST TO WHICH THE VICTIM IS man, wild buffalo, and sarabha unfit BOUND. for sacrifice, 41, 410-12; sterile The sacrificial stake is the crestcow sacrificed to remove the lock of sacrifice personified, 12, 126; blemish of sterility from the house, the stake belongs to Vishnu, 12, 162, 42, 299; white cow sacrificed to 164 ; etymological legend concernremove leprosy, 42, 771; only male ing the Yûpa, 12, 160 sq. and n. ; 26, victims used at great a. s., 27, 256, 21, 36, 39, 46, 101, 174 ; impurity 256 n. ; by male victims the (male) caused by touching a sacrificial post, Sacrificer ransomes himself, 44, 7, 94 ; 14, 30, 30 sq, n., 171, 183; 119; symbolical victims, a ram and 29, 224 sq. ; 30, 181 sq.; "a white a ewe inade of barley porridge, 12 horse at a post' means Agni at the 395 sq., 402 sq.; images of a. eaten sacrificial stake, 26, 149; setting up instead of meat, 25, 174, 174 sq. n.; the sacrificial stake, 26, 162-78; images of a. inade at the Kaitra fts- 44, 123 sq.; being about to cut the tival, 29, 132; fivefold is the victim, stake, le offers the yậpáhuti or 26, 24; 44, 154; five victims at the stake-offering,' 26, 162 sq.; set of building of the fire-altar, 41, 156, eleven stakes, 26, 173, 176 sq., 221;
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