Adhvaryu priest for destruction of life at a. s., 8, 289-93; the ancient Brahmanas offered sacrifices without killing cows, 10 (ii), 49 sq.; no religious merit nor final rescue to be gained by a. s., 19, 129, 135; the sin of slaying animals for sacrificial purposes, 22, 12, 18; all kinds of a. s. offered by king Okkâka, 10 (ii), 50 sq.; to gain great riches, the Brahmanas cause the king to offer a. s., 10 (ii), 50 sq.; king Suddhodana abstains from a. s., 49 (i), 24; bloody and bloodless s. in Zoroastrianism, 4, lxii; camels may be sacrificed and eaten, 9, 60; use and naming of animals for sacrificial purposes, 27, 116 sq.; animals only to be killed for rites, 40, 241. (b) DIFFERENT KINDS OF A. S.
Agni worshipped by sacrifices of ghrita, heifers, bulls, and cows with calf, 46, 211; the Agnishomiya or a. s. to Agni and Soma, 26, 162-222, 225; 30, 346; 43, 245, 260 sq.; 44, 119 n.; 48, 598; twenty-one Agnîshomîya a. s. at Asvamedha, 44, 372, 375; eleven Agnîshomiya a. s. at Purushamedha, 44, 404; meatoffering to Abura, 31, 80, 84; meatofferings for various angels and guardian spirits, 5, 335-8; a. s. at Ashtaka and Anvashtakya festivals, 29, 105, 206 sq., 344, 417-21; 30, 97-102, 112 sq., 294; tame and wild animals offered at the Asvamedha 44, 296 n., 298 sq. and n., 3068, 310 sq., 331, 338, 338 sq. n., 382-4, 382 sq. n., 388; on the Asvamedha itself see under Horsesacrifice; a. s. at the building of the fire-altar, 41, 155-7, 161-86, 197-9, 204, 236, 400-13; 43, 2 1., 3, 358, 392; at the house-building, 29, 429; 30, 122; at the building of a city, 3, 183; blood-consecration of new buildings, 28, 169 sq.; a. s. offered at the conclusion of covenants, 27, 112; 40, 164, 164 m.; ritual and general rules for the a. s. at domestic ceremonies, 29, 30, 1768, 360 sq., 418 sq.; 30, 98-101, 234-6, 360 sq.; expiatory a. s. to Fire and Waters, 4, 206 sq, 207 n. slaughter of a dun cow in expiation of murder, 6, 9, 9 n.; sacrifice of a
cow, a penance, 7, 138; animal sacrifice at the reception of guests, 26, 85; 29, 200, 275 sq.; 30, 131, 256, 278 sq.; animal sacrifice at the 'Hagg, 6, 1xxiv; a. s. at the king's consecration, 41, 68 sq., 125 sq., 129-35, 136 n., 137; the flesh of animals to be offered to the manes, 7, 249; 25, 124 sq.; 29, 359; 30, 231, 256; sacrifice of a cow to the Fathers, 30, 234-6; the animal to cover the dead body, 29, 238, 241 sq.; at marriage, 30, 256; to the god Narayana they formerly offered animals, 8, 280; sacrifice to Nirriti of an ass by a student who has broken his vow of chastity, 2, 85, 289; 14, 117 sq., 215 sq.; 25, 454 sq.; 29, 361 sq.; the Pasubandha or a. s. as part of Soma sacrifice, 7, 191; 12, 378 sq., 378 n.; 26, xi; 41, xii-xiv, xvixviii, xxiv, 11-17, 418; 43, 260, 298 sq.; 44, xiv, 118-30, 118 n., 119 n.; a. s. to be offered once in each half-year at the solstices, 7, 191; 25, 133; by the victim he puts flavour into the Soma feast, 26, 314; to be performed at least once a year, 44, 119; victims for different gods at the different Soma sacrifices, 26, 312 sq., 397 sq. n., 428 sq.; at the end of every Soma sacrifice a sterile cow (anubandhyâ) sacrificed to Mitra and Varuna, 26, 215 m., 217, 387 sq., 391-7; 41, 87; 43, 263-6; 44, xxii; the a. s. is a great Soma sacrifice, 44, 120; some perform the a. s. without Soma, others with Soma, 44, 122 sq.; the animal sacrifice uninterrupted by the Sattra, 44, 176; Pasu-purodása, or 'animal cake' offering belonging to every a. s., 26, 199 sq.; 41, 136 sq. and n., 173, 175; 43, 245, 247 sq., 247 n., 265; 44, 221, 555; consists of omentum, animal cake, and the chief oblation, 41, 180; to Pragapati, 26, 429, 429 n., 441, 443 sq.; to Vayu and Pragâpati, 41, 171-5; to Pragâpati, Surya, Indra, and Agni, 44, 127 sq.; the animal victim once belonged to Savitri, now to Pragapati, 44, 174; at the Purushamedha, 44, 404, 411; victims at the Purushamedha set free, 44, 411;
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