and how they feed, 45, 394-8; (e) USE OF FLESH, MILK, SKIN, &c., worms and other little a. originate OF A. from honey and similar substances, Lawful and forbidden flesh of a., 48, 417 sq. ; worms, scorpions, 2, 64 sq., 65 n., 74 sq., 268-70; 7, originate from dung, 48, 464; the 162-6; 12, 52; 14, 74 sq., 184 left side of the belly of a well-filled sq.; 25, 171 sq.; selling forbidden beast is more raised than the right meat, 7, 30; not the eating of flesh side, 41, 400; are biggest towards defiles a man, but a bad mind and the middle, 43, 40, 50; their right wicked deeds, 10 (ii), 40 sq.; boar's side is the stronger, 43, 40; rise and flesh eaten by Buddha, 11, 71-3; sit down by their fore and hind animal food allowed for hermits, 14, parts, 43, 41 ; fire in men and a., 5, 259; raw flesh, meat broth, and 61; delight in being near the fire, 41, blood allowed as medicaments, 17,
164, 164 n.; why a. dwell in the air, 49, 61; flesh of a. which must not 43, 45 sq., 50 sq.; draught animals be eaten by Bhikkhus, 17, 85 sq.: pull with all four limbs, 44, 78; Gainas accuse Buddhists of killing a. walk on two feet at a time, 44, 78; to eat meat, 17, 116 sq.; Buddha are of sixteen parts, 44, 252 ; dura- forbids the meat of a. killed for the tion of their life, 45, 220-4.
purpose, but allows fish, 17, 117; (d) A. AS COMPARED WITH MEX. flesh of ass and pig used for sacred
Difference between men and a., feasts, 18, 311, 311 n.; rules about 10 (ii), 111 sq. ; 34, 7 sq.; pretended eating meat and killing a., meritoriknowledge of the language of beasts, ousness of abstinence from meat, 25, 11, 196; speech of a. is unintelli- 170, 173-7; a. arc food, 43, 46, gible, 26, 268; possess their know- 56; a. whose milk is forbidden, 2, ledge by instinct, 24, 39; men act- 268; 7, 167; 25, 170 sq. ; skins of ing like cats or herons, i.e. hypo- a black antelope, a tiger, a he-goat, crites, 25, 159 sq.; the khâi (pole- as garments for students of the three cats?) sacrifice larger a. and devour castes, 7, 115; boar's skin for shoes, the smaller, 27, 292; love among a., 41, 102 sq.; tiger's skin, 41, 81, 28, 392; envy among a., 37,92 ; ex- 91-3, 96, 105, 105 n.; 42, 111 sq., cluded from the study of the Veda, 378-80; antelope's skin, see Ante34, 197 n.; have reasoning, but no lope ; bull's hide, see Bull; the sacwisdom, 35, 51; cannot attain to rificer at the Vâgapeya steps on the insight into the truth, 36,176 ; likes skin of a he-goat, 41, 35; the first and dislikes of different a., 40, 8 sq., layer of the altar appeased on a red 26; man is the two-footed animal, ox-skin, 41, 355-7; the sacrificial 41, 409; brilliancy of a. (lion, tiger, skin at Soma sacrifices, 42, 180 sq., &c.), transferred upon kings, 42, 612; strainer of goat's hair and 116 sq., 477; commit sins, 45, 356; sheep's wool a form of goats and there are individual souls of beasts, sheep, a tail-whisk, a form of kine birds, creeping a., 48, 198; small and horses, 44, 235; dung of a. saccreatures (flies, worms, &c.) go to rificed, 30, 125 sq., 128; trade in the third place' (not to the world products of a., 37, 139-42. See of the gods, or of the fathers), 1, also Animal sacrifice, Cattle, Horse 82 ; reach perfection or heaven by sacrifice. penance, 8, 389; 25, 478, 478 n. ; (f) TREATMENT OF A. chiefs or kings of a., 5, 88 sq., 88 n., Penance for killing a., 2, 83 sq., 91; 8, 345 ; 24, 108, 108 n.; 30, 285 sq., 285 n.; 7, 138 sq., 159-61; 114; 49 (i), 196 sq.; are communi- 14, 113 sq. ; 25, 457-9; lawful and ties like men, their fate written unlawful slaughter of a., 5, 319; in the Book, and they shall be 7, 169-72 ; 14, 19, 26 sq. and n.; gathered on the judgement day, 25, xxxi, 172-6; 27, 227, 28, 6, lxxxv, 119; destroyed for sac- 227 sq.; 37, 440, 452; 40, 241; rifices, are reborn to higher exis- chase of brute beasts lawful, 6, 96 tences, 25, 175; 48, 599.
sq. ; punishments for injuring or
produs: 30,' 44, 22.
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