destroyer of A., 4, 370 ; may A. gin of the ape and the bear, 5, 87 ; be destroyed, 23, 22; smitten by 18, 419; origin of the ass and the Ahura Mazda, 23, 33; 31, 264; barren cow, 26, 388; worms, flees from Mithra, 23, 144, 15:; beetles, ants, &c., are the remains defeated by prayer to Mithra, 23, of dead Yakkhas, 36, 108 sq., origin 150; gives way to the blows of of lion, wolf, and other wild beasts, Spenta-Mainyu, 23, 183; the Fra-. 41, 131, though being eaten and vashis help against A., 23, 197; cooked, a. do not diminish, being Ahura Mazda smites the creation established in the womb, 41, 401; of A., 23, 250 ; does no liarm to the rebirth of men in a. as a punishment, worshipper of Vayu, 23, 262; de- 1, 82; 7, 144-7; 8, 105 n., 109 n., feated by Zarathustra, 23, 274 sq.; 321, 356 n.; 21, 92 sq. ; 25, 485, Aryan glory destroys A., 23, 284; 493, 496-8; 45, 15. powerless at the resurrection, 23. (b) CLASSIFICATION OF A. 308; sacrifice to smite the wicked The five classes of a., 5, 45-52 ; A., 31, 280 ; Sraosha hews down 23, 182, 182 11., 190 sq. ; 47, 160 sq. ; A., 31, 305. See Ganrâk-mainok, and five kinds of noxious a. which must Aharman.
be killed, 24, 306 sq.; elephant Angulimala, a robber, converted by first of vehicles, lion of forest a.,
Buddha, 13, 156 ; 19, 243; 36, 355. sheep of sacrificial a., snake of dwelAnguli-mala-parittà, title of a pro- lers in holes, bull among cattle, 8, 345, tecting charm, 35, 213.
353; behind the men are the beasts, Anguttara-Nikâya, t.w., and Mahâ- behind the gods are birds, plants, parinibbâna-Sutta, 11, xxxiv sq.; and trees, 12, 140; creatures with Dhammakakkappavattana-Sutta be- teeth on one side only, and with longs to it, 11, 139.
teeth on both sides, 12, 171, 171 n.; Anguttarâpa, n. of a country, 10 small living beings of five kinds, 22,
(ii), 96 sq.; Buddha at A., 17, 127. 304; seven domestic and seven Anidâna, Gaina t.t., free froin sin- wild a., 26, 213; 41, 40 n. ; 43,211, ful acts, 22, 40.
277 ; tame a. separate from wild a., Anikshiptadhura, n, of a Bodhi- 42, 51; there are four kinds of
sattva Mahâsattva, 21, 4; 49 (ii), 90, four-footed a., 43, 56; division of Anila Vâtåyana, author of a Vedic a., 5, 179-82; 22, 11; 25, 15 sq.; 36, hymn, 32, 450.
101; division of a, into ekendriyas, Animals.
dvîndriyas, &c., 45, xxx, 219-24. (a Origin of a.
(c) ZOOLOGY. (6) Classification of a.
Three origins of a., from an egg, (c) Zoology. (d) A. as compared with men,
from a living being, and from a (e) Use of flesh, milk, skin, &c., of a.
germ, 1, 94 ; a. born from eggs, Treatment of a. (g) Laws and regulations about a.
from germs, from perspiration, and (W) Noxious a.
from wombs, 8, 339; 22, 11; 25, 15 (1) A. in mythology.
sq. ; 36, 101; period of gestation in () Worship of a. (k) On some special a.
a., 37, 110 sq.; curious views about (a) ORIGIN OF A.
the impregnation of some a., 39, Creation of a., 5, 10, 31 sq., 46, 361 sq. ; those with nine apertures 179 ; 15, 86; 25, 15; 37, 150; 41, are born from the womb, those 402; 43, 74 sq., 403; useful a. with eight from eggs, 40, 63, are created in opposition to noxious born with bones, though introduced creatures, 5, 71-4; creation of into the womb only as seed, 41, 254 ; noxious creatures, 5, 162 sq.; all a. having received the foetus standing, created by God, 9, 79; Pragâpati give birth after lying down, 41, 363; fashioned a. from his vital airs, hence of a. the head born first, the tail last, a. are vital airs, 41, 402 ; symbolical 43, 40; the beast is threefold : creation of a., 43, 36-41; certain a. father, mother, son; and embryo, arise from parts of the body of the amnion, chorion, 43, 110; on the bewitched Indra, 44, 214-16; ori- generation of the various kinds of a.,
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