He should not kill, nor cause others to
kill, nor consent to the killing of others, 22, 31; the Arhats and Bhagavats of the past, present, and future, all say thus, speak thus, declare thus, explain thus: all breathing, existing, living, sentient creatures should not be slain, nor treated with violence, nor abused, nor tormented, nor driven away, 22, 36, 38 sq.; all beings hate pains; therefore one should not kill them. This is the quintessence of wisdom: not to kill anything. Know this to be the legitimate conclusion from the principle of the reciprocity with regard to non-killing, 45, 247 sq., 248 n., 311; a wise man should not take the life of living beings, nor cause pain to any creatures, looking upon all living beings as suffering like himself, 22, 30-2, 63 sq.; 45, 25, 33 sq., 251 sq., 254, 259, 271, 295, 311, 351, 404 sq.; the first great vow of the Gaina not to kill any living being, 22, 202-4; do not kill living beings in the threefold way, 45, 260; giving safety is the best of gifts, 45, 290; a monk should treat all beings as he himself would be treated, 45, 306 sq., 314; towards your fellow creatures be not hostile, 45, 329; wicked men injure plants and animals, 45, 374; abstinence from destroying life destroys Karman, 45, 174; all living beings suffer: hence those who injure living beings will suffer pains in the Samsâra, while those who practise A. will put an end to all misery, 45, 386 sq.; sins caused by actions injuring the lives in earth, water, fire, plants, animals, wind, 22, 3-14; heretics kill or consent to killing others, 22, 62; those who entertain cruel thoughts against the six classes of living beings are near death, 22, 42; killing living beings causes bondage of the soul, 45, 236; those who kill living beings go to the abode of the Asuras, 45, 259; those who injure living beings go to hell, 45, 21, 279, 286; by hurting any of the living beings (earth, water, fire, and wind bodies, plants, &c.) men do harm to their own souls, and
will be born as one of them, 45, 292 sq.; precautions to be taken killing animals, 22, 47, 47 n., 72, 75, by Gaina monks, in order to avoid 97, 100, 120, 126, 128, 132, 136 sq., 139, 145, 161 sq., 169 sq., 178-83, 304-8; 45, 129, 135 sq., 146 sq.; he should not scare away (insects), nor keep them off, nor be in the least provoked to passion by them. Tolerate living beings, do not kill them, though they eat your flesh and blood, 45, 11; mouth-cloth used by Gainas to prevent insects entering the mouth, 45, 145, 145 n.; a Gaina monk should not build a house, nor cook, nor light a fire, because many living beings are killed thereby, 45, 204 sq.; a Gaina monk should only drink distilled water (without life), 45, 10, 10 n.; a monk must not use cold water, not to injure water-bodies, 45, 255, 255 n.; food is only pure when given with unwashed hands and dishes, on account of the lives contained in water, 22, 103 sq., 117; sin caused by injuring the fire-bodies or lives in fire, 22, 7 sq., 67, 67 n.; 45, 293, 358; certain food forbidden to Gaina monks on account of dangers to living beings, 22, 88 sq., 104-10; Mahâvîra's abstinence from killing, 22, 81; Buddhist misrepresentation of the Gaina vow of desisting from doing injury, 45, xvii sq.; living beings injured by sacrificial ceremonies, 22, 12, 18; 45, 55; a bad Sramana, through carelessness, hurts living beings, 45, 78 sq.; Arishtanêmi, on seeing the animals to be killed for the wedding feast, renounces the world, 45, 114; the Hastitâpasa kill one elephant a year, and live on it, to spare the life of other animals, 45, 418 sq.; Gaina householders renounce slaughter of animals, as they cannot altogether abstain from injuring the six classes of beings, 45, 421-33, 421 n.; when living beings are killed for the sake of gifts and other meritorious actions, a monk should neither praise nor forbid such acts, 45, 312 sq.; various causes why men injure living beings, 45, 357-60.
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