dominates over him who works in 132; his conflict with the Earth, the dark, 37, 478; will the wicked 5, 29 sq.; his conflict with Gáyôsouls be able to see A.? 18, 44 sq.; mard, 5, 17-19; Gâyômard delivers and the demons seize the wicked his body to A., 24, 58; he appeared soul in hell, 18, 72; 24, 266 sq.; a young man of fifteen years to powerless to inflict harm on the Geh, 5, 16; the seven planets chiefsoul of the blessed one, 4, 374. tains of A., 24, 34, 38; his conflict (d) HOW TO DEFEAT A.
with the plants, 5, 30 sq.; his conHe who pleases the seven arch- flict with the primaeval ox, 4, 231 n.; angels, his soul never comes into the 5, 31 sq.; 47, 33; his destruction possession of A., 5, 373; righteous at the renovation of the universe, men fight against the fiend, 18, 12, 5, 128 sq.; 18, 118; 24, 99; 37, 14; the smiting of A. effected by +31, 446, 47, xiii; the creatures of wisdom, 24, 101; destruction of A. will perish at the time when the A. arises from the union of the good, future existence occurs, 5, 5; be37, 346; A. and demons defeated came confounded and remained in by the sacred ceremony, 18, 159 sq., confusion for 3,000 years, 5, 15 sq.; 167; next-of-kin marriage a pro. became headstrong and was put out tection from A. and the demons, of heaven, 24, 192; his conflict 4,98 n.; 18,417; contentinent good with the sky, 5, 25; 18, 261; attacks for vanquishing A., 24, 26,70; who the sky, the water, the earth, &c., wears the sacred thread-girdle is out 5, 161-87; sprang like a snake out of A.'s department, 24, 268; de- of the sky down to the earth, 5, 17; feated by the spirit of truth, 24, made impotent by Sôshyans, 5, 8, 324; beaten by complete mindful- 33 ; 47, 117 sq.; stars assist in ness, 37, 264; Zoroastrian cere- the distribution of evil produced monial a protection from the annoy- by A., 24, 127-38; overturned by ing spirit, 37, 363 sq.; closing the Takhmôrup, 18, 200, 200 n. ; kept as way of A. into oneself, 37, 433, 439; a charger by Tâkhmôrup, 24, 59, 60, separation from the destructive 60 n.; converted into a horse by Evil Spirit one of the seven per- Tâkhmôrup, 47, 8; his conflict with fections of religion, 37, 273 ; driven the water and with Tistar, 5, 25-9; back to hell by the Honorer, 4, A. and the demons defeated in the 100 n.; shattered by the Airmân reign of Vistásp and other kings, 5, supplication, 37, 302 sq.; repelled 198, 201; afflicted through the by recitation of Vâstârem Nask, deeds of Vistâsp, 24, 65; sends 37, 446 ; cries of cock, &c., keep demons to destroy Zoroaster before him at a distance, 5, 113, 113 n.; and at his birth, but is dismayed, prayer for the destruction of the 37, 227; 47, 140-2; tempts ZaraEvil Spirit, 5, 362 ; how A. and the tûst, but is confounded, 24, 103 sq.; demons are confounded, 24, 83 sq.; A. rushes for the destruction of mountains which are smiters of A. Zoroaster, but is defeated by him, and the demons, 24, 98; a scornful 37, 164; 47, 58 sq., 123. dole for A., 37, 311; the accursed Aharubo-stôtô, son of Medyômâh, devil becomes cursed, 37, 428, 437. 47, 166. (c) MYTHS AND LEGENDS OF A. Ahaspati, n.d., 'lord of days,'30, 58.
Adam deluded by A., 24, 179, Ahavaniya, see Fire (e). 179 n.; Aeshm's complaint to A. of Ahi (the Snake'), slain by Indra, the three things he could not injure 32, 180, 197. in the world, 5, 387-9, 387 n. ; the Ahi Budhnya, oblation to, 29, 331; Daevas his seed and his servants, 41, 96, 96 n. 31, 54, 58 sq. ; the six demons from Ahimsa, Sk., t.t. (the vow or law of) the dark world of A., 5, 10; Dahák not injuring (any living being). begged a favour from A., 5, 80; G in Gina religion. releases Az-i Dahâk, 5, lii, 233 sq.; b) In Buddhism Dahâk's descent traced to A, 5, (c) In Brahmanism.
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