377, 387, 413, 418; why called Gâtavedas, 43, 274; Gâtavedas, the messenger, 30, 110; Gâtavedas Vaisvânara invoked for protection, 42, 54; the immortal, life-possessing A. Gâtavedas grants long life, 42, 57; offering to A. Gâtavedas, 30, 239; 42, 88; prayer to A. Gâtavedas, 15, 210; 30, 142 sq., 162; 42, 47 sq., 98, 121, 168, 309, 325 sq.; 44, 382; prayer to A. Gâtavedas to protect the cows, 30, 185 sq.; prayer to A. Gâtavedas at offerings to the Manes, 29, 103; 32, 35 sq.; offerings to A. Grihapati (the house-lord), 12, 256 n., 259; 26, 215, 320 n.; 29, 352; 41, 69 sq., 71; prayer to A., the householder, 12, 272; A., the house-lord, informed of the king's consecration, 41, 89; offering to A. Grihapati at the unyoking of the king's chariot, 41, 101 sq.; offerings to A. Indumat, 12, 319 sq.; oblations to A. Kâma, 44, xlii sq.; offering to A. Kavyaváhana, 12, 430 sq.; 29, 421; 30, 106; prayer to A. Kavyavâhana at the worship of the fathers, 30, 227 sq., 233, 236; A. called Mâtarisvan, 46, 119, 241, 292, 294; offering to A. Mûrdhanvat, 44, 34 n., 350n.; is Narasamsa, 46, 10, 303; see Narâsamsa; offering to A. Pathikrit (path-maker), 30, 203; 44, xlii sq., 11, 191 sq., 350 n.; offerings to A. Pavamâna, and A. Pavaka, 12, 304-8, 304 n., 307 n., 319 sq.; A. Purishya brought from the earth's seat, 41, 201 sq., 201 n.; A. Purîshya, favourable to cattle, 41, 205 sq., 214, 216sq., 225-7, 257, 305,310 sq.; the Agnis Purishyas, 41, 358; A. Purîshya, the fire of the soil, invoked, 44, 189; 46, 285 sq.; invoked as Rebba, the divine chanter, 42, 197, 690 sq.; called Ribbu, 46, 240, 243, 382; called Rudra, 41, 64; 46, 17, 228, 231, 325, 327, 371, 373; Rudra identified with A., 12, 200-2, 201 n., 206 sq.; 26, 343 n.; 42, 618 sq.; 43, 156 sq., 160, 169 sq., 172, 201 sq.; names of Rudra-Agni, 41, 159-61; called Sahasvat, 21, 5 n.; see Sahâmpati; expiatory cake offering to A. Samvarga (the despoiler), 44, 193; offering to A. Samvesapati, 12, 260 n.; called
Sikhin, 21, 5 n.; expiatory cake offering for A. Suki (the bright), 12, 304 П., 305 sq., 307 n., 308; 44, 194; A. Svishtakrit (maker of good offerings), established by the gods, 12, 151; offerings and prayers to A. Svishtakrit, 2, 202, 299; 12, 152, 152 n., 158, 199-208, 247, 320 sq., 334, 364, 372, 372 n., 382, 403, 412, 414; 14, 304; 25, 90; 26, 205 m., 207, 209, 316 n., 351 sq., 351 n., 383, 391 n., 395; 29, 43 sq., 84, 163 sq., 175, 192, 204, 208, 222, 272, 279, 290, 337, 352, 387, 391, 420; 30, 22, 35 sq., 40, 100, 102, 145, 158, 191, 196, 222, 227, 236, 240, 242, 254, 264-6, 289 sq., 294; 41, 40 sq., 71-3, 105, 112 sq., 184; 44, 3 n., II, 18 sq., 36 sq., 41, 54, 65, 189 n., 253 sq., 253 n., 336 n., 337-9, 337 n., 351 n., 356, 358, 483; A. Svishtakrit is Rudra, 44, 338; A. Tantumat worshipped, 29, 136; is Tanûnapát, 46, 10, 303; see Tanûnapât; is the Usig of the gods, the good-minded lord of prayers, 46, 52, 233, 261 sq., 297; A. Vaisvanara; the other Agnis (the other fires) are verily thy branches, O A. In thee all the immortals enjoy themselves. Vaisvânara! Thou art the centre of human settlements; like a supporting column thou holdest men. The head of heaven, the navel of the earth is A.; he has become the steward of both worlds. Thee, a god, the gods have engendered, O Vaisvânara, to be a light for the Arya, 46, 49; A. V. blazes sevenfold within the body, 8, 259; A. V. is the fire within man, by which the food is digested, 15, 193, 294, 312 sq.; 34, 143 sq., 146 sq.; 48, 287, 290 sq.; the sun rises as A. V., 15, 272; 41, 391; A. V. has mounted the firmament, the back of heaven, 46, 229; A. V. unites with the sun, 46, 127; A. V. as the funeral fire, 42, 12, 43, 58, 242, 580; what comes into connexion with A. V. becomes cooked, 41, 349, 398; the fiery spirit of A. V., 41, 404; A. V. is the elemental fire, 34, 144, 147; A. V. is the divinity whose body is fire, 34, 144, 147; A. V. cannot be the divinity of fire, or the element of fire, 34, 148 sq.; A. V. is all the fires, 41, 248; A. V., the third of the
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