A. in heaven, in the air, in the earth, plants, waters, flints, &c., 41, 43 n., 304; 43, 201-3; 46, 285; seated in all spaces, law-seated, spheredwelling, 41, 281; called man-seated, water-seated, barhis-seated, heavenwinning, 43, 183 sq.; brought to many places for the use of the living, 46, 22, 70 sq., 74, 77 sq.; follows the world like a shadow, having filled heaven, earth, and the air, 46, 89; has approached the threefold light, all spaces of the atmosphere, in the abode of the waters, 46, 176; in heaven, in the human dwellings, and in the waters, 46, 266; dwells on the earth, 1, 36; 15, 334; 46, 73; is the essence squeezed out from the earth, 1, 70; the lord of terrestrial beings, 30, 237; the regent of the earth, 43, XX, 208, 381; laid down in the best place of the earth, in the place of Ila, 46, 287, 302; dwelt once between the two horns of a wether, 26, 125; moves about within the young sprouting grass, 46, 115, 118; has entered all herbs, 46, 127, 412; in the waters, 12, 22; 30, 226; 41, 293-5, 304 sq.; 42, 14; 44, 193 sq.; 46, 61, 160, 167 sq., 202, 232, 256, 291, 297; A., the lord of the waters, 14, 251; sitting in the waters he hisses like a swan, 46, 54; goes to the floods of heaven, to the waters in the ether of the sun, and to those below, 46, 285; the gods made part of A. enter the water, 26, 381; dwelling in the water, worshipped at the consecration of ponds, 29, 135, 135 n.; seated between Heaven and Earth, 46, 244; world of A., a stage on the soul's road to the sun, 1, 275; 38, 385; 48, 746, 748; world of A., attained by a giver of gold, 7, 273; where A. dwells, 30, 218; the Soma asked to enter A.'s dear seat, 44, 108; the highest place of A., 46, 82; part of the hand sacred to A., 14, 25. (c) MYTH OF THE HIDDEN A.
A. hid himself in the waters, and was discovered by the gods, 12, 47, 452; 42, 3, 270-2; the gods search for A., 41, 196-9, 203, 207-9, 214 sq.; the hidden A. sought and
discovered by the gods, 46, 54 sq., 61, 64, 66, 82, 84, 127, 173, 175; Pragâpati searches for the hidden A., 41, 161 sq., 360; concealed by the Panis, 12, 245; hid himself in an Asvattha tree, 32, 329; went away from the gods, and entered the munga grass, 42, 249; dwelt in secret, 44, 192; 46, 241, 256; brilliant, though hidden in secret, easily to be found, 46, 343,385; putting down his feet in secret like a thief, A. has enlightened and freed Atri, 46, 399; searching and digging for A., 41, 200-22.241 sq.; the hidden A. found by the thoughtful men, 46, 61; the Angiras have discovered the hidden A., 46, 391 sq. (d) NAMES OF A.
Has many names, 46, 281, 372; the newborn A. receives a name, 43, 269, 269 n.; A. for Agri, mystic name, 41, 146; etymology of A., 34, 150; 48, 292; called Aditi, 32, 262; 46, 110, 113, 187, 309 sq.; cake offered to A. Agnimat, 44, 189; called Angiras, 41, 225, 279; 46, 24, 92, 327, 348, 385, 389, 391, 412; the first or best of Angiras, 41, 358; 46, 22, 95, 129; sacrifices to A. Anikavat, 12, 408 sq. and n.; 41, 58 sq.; 44, 76, 76 n.; expiatory cake offering to A. Apsumat (abiding in the waters) at the Agnihotra, 44, 193 sq.; is an Asura, 46, 399; called Ayu, the living one, 46, 142, 170; called Ayus, Life, 41, 323; oblations and prayers to A. Ayushmat, who rules over vital power, 44, 439; called the Bharata, 12, 133; 46, 119, 123; A. Bharata or the god of the Bharata tribe, 12, 114 sq.; 46, 211; called Bhrigavana, 46, 74, 78; A. called Brihaspati, 46, 292, 294; a cake for A. Dátri (the giver), 44, xlii sq., 8 sq.; A. Garhapatya, the protector of house, offspring, and cattle, 12, 358 sq.; A. Gârhapatya invoked to free from sin, 42, 165, 167; A. the Gâtavedas, 1, 150; 12, 119, 119 n., 136; 26, xxxi sq.; 46, 37, 42, 49, 100, 102, 103, 108, 128, 129, 193 sq., 202, 221, 229, 233, 240, 244, 259, 261, 271, 275, 281, 283, 285, 287, 291, 293 (Agni am I, by birth Gâtavedas), 300, 302, 310, 326, 336, 354, 358, 375 sq.,
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