twenty-two. In it are the giving of advice to mankind, the performance of prayer and virtue, the doing of good actions, intercession, producing union among relations, and such-like topics.
3. The third is Vairyô, the Vahist-mânsar, and the subdivisions of this Nask are twenty-two. In this is the topic of those who are becoming without doubt as to the religion of Mazda-worship, causing heedfulness, and thinking about the religion ; also the production of the benediction and attributes (sifât) of the blessedness of Zaratûst, every action which was declared virtuous before Zaratūst, and all actions which have to occur after Zaratūst until the future existence; the benefit of his world, and such-like topics.
4. The fourth Nask is this which is Atha, the Bagh, and the subdivisions of that Nask are twenty-one. In this the topic is this which is the purpose of the religion of Mazda-worship, and the ideas which Adharmazd caused to be taught unto mankind; the exercise of reverence, heedfulness, adjudication, and justice; the performance of the proper duty of decision, doing good actions (kâr-1 khvair), closing the way of Aharman into oneself, attaining unto the spiritual existence for oneself, and such as are like these.
5. The fifth Nask is Ratus, the Dvâzdakhômâst, and the subdivisions of that Nask are thirty-two. In that Nask are all the topics of the spiritual existence and the heavenly state, virtue and vileness, the material existence of this worldly state, about the sky and about the earth, and everything which Adharmazd produced and which exists in the water, fire, and plants; human beings and
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