guards the creatures ? ; when every individual becomes privileged by will 2 for the reward; when every individual knows that gain is through giving aways; when every individual transacts, or shall transact, the affairs of the archangels“; and when every individual knows that when he who is intelligent speaks to him ", it becomes a possession for the benefit of righteousness 6.
58. When, for equal meritoriousness, it is necessary to give sooner to Magian men?—so that on account even of the Magianship of Kal-Vistâsp he was suitable for the sovereignty 8, that Zaratūst was given a wife by Frashốstar”, that it was the learned Gâmâsp 10 that Adharmazd gave—and that every individual shall provide the ceremonial of Adharmazd 11. 59. And when every individual knows that they are the best prayers which are the words of Zaratūst 12, and, even so, his is a wise reward for those which are yours 18.
60. It is perfect is the excellence of righteousness; it is perfect excellence that is righteousness.
1 See Pahl. Yas. XLVIII, 10 a, b.
See Pahl. Yas. XLIX, 9 c. * See Pahl. Yas. L, Ib. The MS. has bûn, instead of bara, by mistake. - Ibid. 3 C.
Ibid. 8 a.
* Ibid. 8 b. ? Ibid. 15 a.
8 Ibid. 16 a, and Bk. VIII, Chap. XI, 1. . Ibid. 17 a, and Bk. VIII, Chap. XXXVIII, 68. 10 Ibid. 18 a. 11 Ibid. 20 c. 12 See Pahl. Yas. LII, 1 a. 13 Ibid. 7 a.
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