5. This, too, that the good protection of fire is taught by him whose words are through Vohuman, and who also would provide a time for the ordeal of that which is doubtful; even for this reason, because he whose words are utterable through Vohaman, and who would provide a time for the ordeal of that which is doubtful, teaches the provision of care for the operative fire, owing to that which occurs when what is accomplished, about one acquitted or convicted by the fire, is declared, and mankind shall provide more particularly for the brilliancy of the fire, and the wicked more for assistance and protection from it.
6. This, too, that whoever shall provide about him who liberally gives himself in discipleshipunto the priests, has thereby taught even by the mention of the high-priest; even for this reason, because the person being given in discipleship unto the priests, the religion practised by the high-priest arises also for mention, and whoever shall provide generosity for that person, has increased and also taught that action, which is religion, even by the mention made. 7. This, too, that men and women 8 are taught as being given in discipleship - to Zaratūst by him who keeps his own males and females in the control of Zaratūst. 8. This, too, that goodness is taught by him to those (valman) who are good, so that they produce it who give to that righteous one the worthiness which is through that wealth; the righteous one who is worthy is one of the good religion for whose production of the worthiness which is through that wealth it is sought, and that wealth which is See Pahl. Yas. XLV, 7C.
3 Ibid. 9 d. 3 Ibid. 10 a.
* Ibid. 10 b.
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