necessary to worship, is thereby displayed among the existences as the progeny of Adharmazdı.
12. This, too, that the defeat of the bad and the acceptance of the good ? are taught by him who shall provide a righteous gift for the worthy; because both are therein. 13. This, too, that ability for even the transformation of the creatures : of Adharmazd is taught by him who loves Vohûman; even for this reason, because the forward-dragging, and also the backward-dragging, power—which is in mankind-is qualified, through changeableness of will, for even the actions of the Vohûmanic nature. 14. This, too, that power is taught, to that spirit through whom the creatures are changed, by him whose wisdom is for that which is wisdom ; even for this reason, because that spirit is wisdom, and increases in mankind through instruction. 15. This, too, that by him who praises the religion like a disciple, and who also teaches it like a priest“, it is shown that Sôshans* really comes ; even for this reason, because the religion, from the first praiser and teacher down to the last praiser and teacher, is connected by discipleship and priesthood, and Sôshậns becomes a disciple in the end, and the last priest.
16. This, too, that the wisdom of Adharmazd 5 is taught by him who shall supply decisions and adjudication from the religion; even for this reason, because the decision of religion is the wisdom of Adharmazd. 17. This, too, that complete mindfulness, so that they are not deceived", is taught
1 See Pahl. Yas. XLII, 5 b.
* Ibid. 5 d. • Ibid. 5 e; assuming that dâm-var'zisnîh, 'accomplishment of the creatures,' stands for dâm-vardisnih. • Ibid. 6 d.
• Ibid. 6 e.
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