even for this reason, because he is making mankind long for that way. 9. This, too, that heat is given to fireby him who tells truth to the invokers; even for this reason, because the adversary—owing to the heat of the fire achieved by the indicator of truth-is more particularly subdued by the strength of that just one.
10. This, too, that the assistants for the renova tion of the universe are the decrees of Vistâsp — which are through Vohûman-of Sôshậns 3 and KaiKhasrôi * ; even for this reason, because the fragments are possessing a renewer which is their own completion, and the completion-which is through the assistance of the renovation by Vistâsp-is through what occurs when the religion is set going by him, through which the renovation arises; and the triumph of the completion, which is through an ordinance by Sôshậns, is through what occurs when through the ordinance there is thus a decree which sets aside all distress from the creatures, and gives the ordinance to the whole material existence, that which is living and also that which is dead. 11. This, too, that whoever intrusts it with a command givenwhich command given intrusts him who supplies the command from revelation-and it worships what is
· See Pahl. Yas. XLII, 4 d. ? See Bk. VIII, Chaps. XI, 1, XIII, 15. * See Pahl. Yas. XLII, 4 e, and Bk. VIII, Chap. XIV, 14.
• In the MS. the letters sro are omitted from this name which might, therefore, be read Kayânag; but Kaî-Khûsrôi (see Chap. XXIII) is considered as one of the assistants of the renovation (Dd. XXXVI, 3), probably on account of his opposition to idolatry (Bd. XVII, 7). Pahl. maman baharânð kashtâr-hômônd-nafsman sporikih.
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