anything to him which it is desirable to give the helpfulness is provided; also, owing to their good commanding, the helpfulness is a good establishment of the sovereignty, owing to a well-established sovereignty there is fearlessness also in uttering true and virtuous statements, and, owing to freedom from concealment in uttering true and virtuous statements, the necessary demeanour for true and virtuous statements arises. 40. This, too, that he who gives personal service unto the king of kings, and who considers the product (bar) as the property of Aûharmazd, is empowered for indicating the acquitted and convicted1 by the spirits, his indicators of the acquitted and convicted; even for this reason, because the person being given in service to the king of kings is the preparation (nivârisno) of subjection, and the product being considered as the property of Aûharmazd is to consider the innocence of its origin (bûn) and to make the product wellselecting (hu-kinako) through virtuousness; owing to the progress of these two, the virtuousness in the world becomes great and increasing productiveness for all the good spiritual and worldly existences which are in it, even those who are angels indicating the acquitted and convicted.
41. This, too, that by him who becomes immortal progress 2 for him who is immortally progressive, complete progress is given to him who is completely progressive; and its routine (dâdistân), too,
1 See Pahl. Yas. XXXI, 19 c.
2 Ibid. 21 a; amarg-rûbisnîh and hamâk-rûbisnîh are Pahlavi translations of Av. ameretâd and haurvatâd, as may be seen in Ibid. 6 b.
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