26. About useless and polluted clothing, that which is cleansed for six months ! 27. About the grievous sinfulness of irregularly letting forth clothing, as much as a single double hem?, upon a corpse 8.
28. About how long is the time of the uncultivated state of the land-free from admitting water and being sown-on which a human being or a dog passes away; the inspection of the whole land on account of the risk of dead matter having been there, and afterwards admitting water upon it; the sin when, through not exploring, dead matter is in that place, and the water comes on to it; and whatever is on the same subject“.
29. About how to bring a corpse out of the water, the extent of the pollution of the water around the corpse, the purity after bringing away the corpse from it, and whatever is on the same subject 6. 30. About where the bodies and bones of the departed are deposited, and whatever is on the same subject ®.
31. About how soon is the rushing of the fiend of corruption (nasas dragô) upon a human being or dog that has passed away at the appointed time, and upon one who has done so before the appointed time through the defectiveness (âhûgagih) of the worldly existence; where the clothing of this one is which is useless, and which and how is the washing
1 Av, khshvas maunghô; Vend. V, 57-59 (W.), and commentary on Pahl. Vend. V, 167 (Sp.).
• Pâz. dhôvana which is here assumed to be equivalent to Pers. do bun. It is probably a reading of the Pahlavi word ry or 19 in Pahl. Vend. V, 169, 172, which has been variously read as gūgan, 'a dirham,' dako, 'a spindle,' or yako, 'a rag;' the last of which would best suit the context here. • Vend. V, 60-62.
• Vend. VI, 1-9. 8 Vend. VI, 26-41.
6 Vend. VI, 44-51.
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