CHAP. 38. Same, fargard 15. The seven perfections of religious
advice, power and contempt for the demons given to
the creatures, praise of Zaratust . . . . 273 39. Same, fargard 16. Worship not to be neglected on any
account, want of spirituality in men, liberality of the archangels, promises for the future, praise of the renovators; ($ 13) characteristics of the heretic Mânih, attracters to the religion, the last millenniums, disturbers of religion ; ( 20) praise of the Fryanaks, liberality for the archangels, praise of Vistâsp, advice to the Spitâmas, four marvels in the other world, advice
to Zaratast . . . . . . . . 276 40. Same, fargard 17. Praise of truth, cattle, good works,
ordeals . . . . . . . . . 282 41. Same, fargard 18. Evidence of the future existence,
four triumphs of the sacred beings over the demons, enquiring about religion, avoiding apostates; (§ 12) mankind attaining wisdom, care for cattle, oppression by wrath and envy; (§ 21) progress of righteousness,
the renovation, next-of-kin marriage, girdling. . 284 42. Same, fargard 19. Protection at the renovation, belief
necessary for being convinced, evil of a wicked judge and vicious people; praise of Zaratust, Frashostar,
and Gâmâsp; punishment of the wicked . . 289 43. Same, fargard 20. Assistance by the archangels, reward
given to the righteous in the other world when unattainable here, cattle for warriors, advancement of religion by force, assisters of the dead righteous, reason for certain movements of the Zoti, worship of archangels, merit of Zaratüst, reward of good
works . . . . . . . . . 291 44. Same, fargard 21. Desire for a good ruler; where the
best wealth, prayer, and sovereignty exist; favours from the sacred beings, memory and discrimination, attraction of spiritual mercy and leadership in heaven, good works and wealth, submission to the priesthood meritorious, creations for the benefit of the creatures, comfort for the spirit of the liturgy; (10) the wicked deceiver, man prepared for future existence by fire, the supreme heaven for the righteous only, enmity
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