VII, 7, 21.
qualities of the Elder, at the excellence of his manners befitting a recluse, he become filled with confidence, and free from cravings, and all his pride and self-righteousness left his heart; and like a cobra deprived of its fangs he said: 'Most excellent, most excellent, venerable Nâgasena ! The puzzles, worthy of a Buddha to solve, have you made clear. There is none like you, amongst all the followers of the Buddha, in the solution of problems, save only Sâriputta, the Elder, himself, the Commander of the Faith. Pardon me, venerable Nâgasena, my faults. May the venerable Nâgasena accept me as a supporter of the faith, as a true convert from to-day onwards as long as life shall last!'
21. Thenceforward the king and his mighty men continued in paying honour to Nagasena. And the king had a Wihara built called 'The Milinda Wihara,' and handed it over to Nagasena, the Elder, and waited upon him and all the multitude of the Arahat Bhikshus of whom he was the chief with the four requisites of the Bhikshu's life. And afterwards, taking delight in the wisdom of the Elder, he handed over his kingdom to his son, and abandoning the household life for the houseless state, grew great in insight, and himself attained to Arahatship! Therefore is it said : Wisdom is magnified o'er all the world, And preaching for the endurance of the Faith. When they, by wisdom, have put doubt aside The wise reach upward to that Tranquil State. That man in whom wisdom is firmly set, And mindful self-possession never fails, He is the best of those who gifts receive, The chief of men to whom distinction's given.
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