Soul, individual, in deep sleep is
resolved into an intelligent entity, i, 6o. - the same s, which entered into union with Brahman in deep sleep, returns from Brahman, when awaking, i, p. Ixi; ii, 147–
149. -- wanders about in the state of
sleep, ii, 49 seq., 56. - essentially non-connected with the worlds that appear in the waking and in the dreaming
state, ii, 146. -- its state of swoon, i, p. lxi;
ii, 149–152. - actions determine its future em-
bodied existences, i, p. xxvi. — when passing out of the body at
the time of death, remains invested with the subtle material elements which serve as an abode to the prânas, i, p.
lix ; ii, 101-112. descends from the moon with
a remainder of former deeds which determines the nature of the new embodiment, i, p. lix
seq.; ii, 112-121. - its descent from the moon de
scribed, i, p. lx; ii, 126
132. of him who possesses the lower
knowledge, and of him who possesses no knowledge of Brahman at all, their fate the same up to the entrance of the s. into the veins, i, pp. lxxix, cvii; ii, 369 seq.
- - passes into the heart, and out of the body by the veins, then up to the sun by means of a ray of light, i, p. Ixxxi seq.; ii, 372, 377-381. - --- Stations on its way to Brahman, i, p. lxxxii; ii, 383– 389; these stations are conductors of the s., not marks of the road, nor places of enjoy. ment, ii, 387-389.
-- its departure from the body, ii, 364-404; the scriptural texts about it belong to the sphere of qualified know-
ledge, ii, 400 seq. - of him also who knows the high
est Brahman, departs from the
body, i, p. Ixxxi. Soul is enveloped in the subtle body
until it reaches the river Vi
garâ, i, p. lxxxin. – of the pious effects its desires by
mere determination, i, p. Ixxxiv
seq.; ii, 410 seq. - when it departs from the body
all specific cognition vanishes, but the Self is not destroyed, i,
281. - although all-pervading, is viewed
as going because it enters into connexion with buddhi and the
rest of its adjuncts, ii, 43-45,402. - on account of its non-extension,
there is no confusion of the
results of actions, ii, 68. - its ascent to, and descent from
the moon, ii, 101-132. - accompanied by the chief vital
air, the sense-organs, and the mind, and taking with itself Nescience, moral good or illdesert, and the impressions left by its previous existences, leaves its former body and obtains
a new body, ii, 102. - goes enveloped by water, ii, 103
110, 112. – when it descends from the moon,
it enters into similarity (not identity) with ether, air, smoke,
mist, cloud, and rain, ii, 126-128. - assumes a body of water in the
moon, ii, 127. passes through the stages of its
descent in a not very long time,
ii, 128. - after having entered into plants,
enters into conjunction with one who performs the act of
generation, ii, 131 seq. - breath is merged in it, ii, 367 seq. - with the breath, goes to the ele
ments, ii, 368 seq. when it attains a new body, after
speech and the other organs have been withdrawn within it,
work constitutesits abode, ii, 369. - of him who knows Brahman does
not depart, ii, 372–375. - the abode of the s. when about to
depart is the heart, and the point of it is lighted up, ii, 377 scq.
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