ference of the views maintained sumption of the Bauddha that by B., or else to the difference everything has a momentary of capacity on the part of the existence only, i, 407 seq., 409. disciples of B., i, 401.
Cause and effect, the relation of, Buddha, though he propounded the requires some superiority on
doctrine of the reality of the ex- the part of the cause, i, 442; ii, ternal world, was himself an
20. idealist, i, 418.
-- between them conjunction - teaches three mutually contra- and disjunction do no longer dictory systems, i, 428.
take place, i, 397. Buddhi. See Intelligence.
- - chain of causes and effects, be
ginning with Nescience (BaudCastes, men only of the three higher dha), i, 404 seq., 410, 410 n.
c. entitled to the study of the Causes, whatever is originated, the Veda, i, 197.
Sankhyas say, is originated from - all the four c. are fit for the know- inherent c., non-inherent c.,
ledge of the itibâsas and pu- and operative c., i, 5 seq. rânas, i, 229.
- four kinds of, admitted by the - pafikaganab = the four c. and the Bauddha, i, 409, 409 n. Nishadas, i, 362.
Cave, the two entered into the c. Categories, twenty-five, of the Sân- are Brahman and the individual khya system, i, 257-260.
soul, i, pp. XXXV, xlii, 118-123. - difficulties with regard to the six Ceremonial purifications, the Sadras
c. of the Vaiseshikas, i, 394 excluded from them, i, 227. seqq.
---referred to in the Vidyâs, i, 227. - seven, two, or five c. of the Cessation, the two kinds of c. which Gainas, i, 428 seq., 430.
the Bauddhas assume cannot be - five, of the Saivas, i, 435.
proved, i, 410 seq., 413. Caterpillar, soul compared to a, ii, Chariot, the simile of the, i, 121, 103, 352.
239 seq., 244, 246. Causal matter is metaphorically re- Chastity, knowledge belongs to
presented as a she-goat, i, 256 those who are bound to, ii, seg.
295 seq. Cause, only the one highest c. is – the stages of life for which ch. is true, i, 321.
obligatory, established by Scrip- and effect are non-different, ture, ii, 297–303.
i, pp. xxix, xlix, 300-305, 309, - he who has entered them cannot 311, 320-343, 399, 436; ii, 9.
fall from them, ii, 317 seqq. -- their absolute equality impos - expiatory sacrifice for a Brahmasible, i, 305 seq.
kârin who breaks his vow of, -- real effects may sometimes ii, 318 seq.
arise from unreal imaginary) - persons bound to ch. who have causes, i, 324 seq.
broken their vow condemned, - - the internal organ is affected ii, 320. by them jointly, i, -331,
Chief vital air. See Vital air, chief. - connected by samavaya, i, 335 Childlike state, which is enjoined seq., 396 n.
for the ascetic, means absence - difference of, i, 350.
of strong sensual passions, - the relation of, is no reason absence of guile, pride, and the for assuming that all effects like, ii, 325-327. whatever have a non-intelli- Cognition, the Self whose nature is gent principle for their ante- unchangeable, eternal c., i, 185 cedent, i, 367.
seq. ---according to the Vaise- Cognitions (vidyâs), discussion on shikas, i, 396 seq.
the separateness or non-sepa. - --- impossible on the as
rateness of the c. of Brahman, G g 2
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