World cannot be produced without Yâgñavalkya, dialogue of Maitreyi
activity, and therefore cannot and, i, 274 seqq. have a non-intelligent cause, i. - and others who knew Brahman 367-369.
did not take their stand on - the cause of suffering,' i, 376 n., works, il, 292. 378.
Yagus, the highest Self is, i, 79. non-difference of it from Brah- Yama with a staff in bis hand, i, man, ii, 9.
217 n. - if the text says 'the w. is a fire - colloquy between Y. and Naki
indeed, this does not mean ketas, i, 247-252. that the w. really is a fire, ii, - Samyamana, the abode of, ii, 122
267. - the term 'w.' denotes places of - men who have not offered sacrienjoyment, ii, 387, 389, 390.
fices, fall into the power of, ii, - the re-absorption (pralaya) of 122 seq.
the, the material w. is merged - the evil-doers suffer punishments into Mâyâ at the time of, i, allotted by, ii, 123. pp. xxvi, xciv.
- chief ruler in the seven hells, ii, - objections against the Vedanta 123. doctrine based on the con- — from his realm none ever return, sequences that would arise at ii, 151. the time of, i, 309 seq. ; these Year, the departed soul proceeds objections refuted, i, 310-314. from the y. to Vâyu, ii, 384-386. - the power of distinction Yoga (practice) leads to the acfounded on wrong knowledge quirement of extraordinary remains even after, i, 313.
powers, i, 223. -- would be impossible, if we - the means of attaining knowledge,
adopted the atomic theory, i, i, 241, 297. 386-389.
- highest beatitude is not to be - there exists, potentially, a attained by the road of, i, 298. connexion between the Self - is of the nature of lower knowand the buddhi even in the ledge, ii, 375. state of, ii, 47 seq.
- books on Y. treat of the con- in the state of, the elements nexion of one soul with several are merged in Brahman only in bodies, ii, 414. such a way as to continue to Yogâkâras are idealists, i, 401 n. exist in a seminal condition, ii, Yoga-sastra, i, 50. 371.
- in giving rules for the condition - the periodical renovation of the, of the wandering religious meni, p. xxvii, 711 seq., 214.
dicant, agrees with the Veda, i, --- there is no contradiction 298.
to the eternity of the word - the five functions of the manas of the Veda in it, i, 211- known from it, viz. right know216.
ledge, error, imagination, slum--- compared to the sleeping ber, and remembrance, ii, 9o. and waking states, i, 212.
- teaches different sitting postures, - the phenomenal w, is the same in ii, 350. all kalpas, i, 215.
Yoga-smriti refuted, i, p. xlvii, 296Worship (of Brahman). See Medita- 299. tion.
- like the Sankhya-smriti, assumes
a pradhana, as the independent Yâgñavalkya, i, p. cxv.
cause of the world, and the - colloquy of Årtabhaga and, i, great principle' &c. as its pp. Ixxxi, cxii; ii, 373 seq.
effects, i, 296. - colloquy of the Gandharva and, - and Sankhya-smriti, why singled i, 219.
out for refutation, i, 297 seq. Kk 3
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