VI, 43. Charm to appease anger.
1. This darbha-grass removes the anger of both kinsman and of stranger. And this remover of wrath, ' appeaser of wrath' it is called.
2. This darbha-grass of many roots, that reaches down into the ocean, having risen from the earth, 'appeaser of wrath' it is called.
3. Away we take the offensiveness that is in thy jaw, away (the offensiveness) in thy mouth, so that, bereft of will, thou shalt not speak, shalt come up to my wish!
II, 27. Charm against opponents in debate, undertaken with the pâtâ-plant.
1. May the enemy not win the debate! Thou art mighty and overpowering. Overcome the debate of those that debate against us, render them devoid of force, O plant!
2. An eagle found thee out, a boar dug thee out with his snout. Overcome the debate of those that debate against us, render them devoid of force, O plant!
3. Indra placed thee upon his arm in order to overthrow the Asuras. Overcome the debate of those that debate against us, render them devoid of force, O plant!
4. Indra did eat the pârâ-plant, in order to overthrow the Asuras. Overcome the debate of those that debate against us, render them devoid of force, O plant!
5. By means of thee I shall conquer the enemy,
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