The Rishi is Vâmadeva, the metre Trishtubh.-Verse 5= TS. I, 6, 6, 4; III, 1, 11, 1; MS. I, 4, 3. Verse 6=TÅ. VI, 2, 1. Verse 11=TS. V, 5, 4, 4. Verse 16=VS. XIX, 69; TS. II, 6, 12, 4. Verses 16-19=AV. XVIII, 3, 21-24.
Verse 1. Note 1. On this use of these infinitives, comp. Delbrück, Altindische Syntax, p. 412.—Mánushah seems to be genitive; comp. II, 2, 6. havya mánushah ; II, 2, 8. hótråbhih ... mánushah; I, 76, 5. mánushah havírbhih.
Verse 2 Note 1. Comp. below, IV, 6, 9.
Verse 3. Note 1. As to the horses of Rita, comp. above, III, 6, 6. In spite of the different accent there is no doubt that ghritasnúvå, which occurs in that verse, is the same word as ghritásnů, in our verse, a compound of ghrita with a noun snu which seems to be different from sấnu, and connected with the root snå (cf. ghritasna, IV, 6, 9; and see Bechtel, Hauptprobleme der Indogerm. Lautlehre, p. 211). Vridhasnú, on the other hand, seems to be no compound, but an adjective formed like vadhasnu, nishatsnú. It is evident, however, that the poet here employed the two words vridhasnú and ghritásnu as parallel expressions.
Note 2. Read mártám (for mártån ; gen. plur.). Comp. below, verse 11; VI, 47, 16. visah manushģân, where we ought to read manushğam. See Lanman, p. 353 ; Pischel, Vedische Studien, 1, p. 44; Bartholomae, Studien zur Indogermanischen Sprachgeschichte, I, p. 48.
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