7. What we have done here for thee at this sacrifice, we mortals, O skilful and thoughtful god, take thou notice of all that, O (god) with the good chariot?; make all this (sacrificial food) here savoury, immortal Agni !
The same Rishi. The metre is Trishtubh.—Verse 5= VS. XVIII, 75.
Verse 1. Note 1. On vidátha, comp. I, 31, 6, note 2.
Verse 2. Note 1. The subject to be supplied seems to be námah. uktih.
Note 2. The words námah-uktim gushasva form a parenthesis, as Ludwig has seen.
Verse 3. Note 1. It is possible that here, as in several other passages, a confusion between the two verbs vågayati and vågayati has taken place. If the reading were vågayántî, we should have to translate, 'Night and Dawn who are striving together (as if running a race against each other ?).'
Note 2. The ancient one is Agni. Note 3. The two goddesses, Night and Dawn. Note 4. The Padapatha has vandhúra-iva, which may be the dual of vandhúr (1, 34, 9). But more probably it should be vandhure-iva (nom. dual, neuter or loc. sing.), comp. I, 64, 9. á vandhureshu . . . tasthau ; I, 139, 4. adhi vâm sthấma vandhúre; III, 43, 1. vandhureshthah, and see III, 6, 10. adhvaréva. On contracted Pragrihya vowels, see H. O., Die Hymnen des Rig-veda, I, p. 456.
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