8. Whether it be the gods who rejoice in the wide air, or those who dwell in the heavenly light, or those who are helpful', ready to hear our call, and worshipful; or whether the horses of thy chariot, O Agni, have turned themselves hither
9. Come hither with them, O Agni, on one chariot or on many chariots, for thy horses are powerful. Bring hither, after thy nature, the thirty and the three gods with their wives, and rejoice (in the Soma).
10. He is the Hotri whose sacrifice even the two wide worlds salute over and over again for the sake of prosperity. Turned to the east', the two wellestablished (goddesses, Heaven and Earth), the righteous, true ones stand as at the sacrifice3 of (Agni) the right-born.
= III, 1, 23.
The same Rishi and metre.-Verse 1=TB. II, 8, 2, 5; MS. IV, 14, 3. Verse 9=AV. XX, 13, 4.
Verse 1.
Note 1. The translation of manana is conjectural, and based only on the etymology. The passage at ít rágânam manánâh agribhnata, IX, 70, 3, does not help us much. 'Does not X, 47, 7. stómâh hridisprísah mánasâ vakyámânâh, indicate the original reading, mánasâ vakyámânâm?' M. M.
Note 2. The srúkah are called dakshinâvrítah, I, 144, 1. By the word dakshinâvất the poet probably intended to designate the ladle also as procuring a Dakshinâ (sacrificial fee) to the priest.
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