Note 3. That this subject is to be supplied, is shown by the regular composition of the Aprî hymns. It is confirmed by the word půrvih, which is evidently an epithet of the divine doors; comp. I, 188, 5; VII, 2, 5.
Note 4. In human form.' M. M. Note 5. The text has vidátheshu.
Verse 6. Note 1. I.e. Night and Dawn. Note 2. Comp. above, I, 142, 7. Note 3. Comp. M. M., vol. xxxii, p. 196 seq.
Verse 7. Note 1. Comp. above, I, 127, 5, note 1. Pischel (Vedische Studien, I, 96) may be right in taking the seven prikshasa) as the Angiras, the saptá víprah.
Verse 8. Note 1. The verses 8-11 are repeated in VII, 2, 8-11.
Verse 10. Note 1. The tree is the sacrificial post (yupa).
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