with the people of Manus, goes as a charioteer to and fro with (gods and men) who accomplish the sacrifice, the quick, domestic (god), the dispeller of curses.
7. Agni, be wakeful? in our life which may be blessed with offspring; swell with sap; shine upon us (plenty of) food. Stir up vigour and the great ones, O watchful (god). Thou art the Usig (or willing one) of the gods, the good-minded (lord) of prayers.
8. The lord of the tribe, the vigorous? guest, the guider of prayers, the Usig (or willing one) of those who invoke him, Gâtavedas, the light of worshiphim men constantly praise with adoration, with solicitations for their welfare.
9. The resplendent, joyous god, Agni on his chariot, has with his might encompassed the dwellings. May we honour in our house with beautiful prayers 1 his commands who is rich in manifold prosperity.
10. O Vaisvânara, I love thy statutes by which thou hast found the sun, O far-seeing one. When born thou hast filled the worlds, heaven and earth; Agni, thou encompassest all these (beings) by thyself.
11. For Vaisvânara's wonderful deeds he the sage alone has by his great skill mightily let loose (his powers ?). Agni has been born exalting both his parents, Heaven and Earth, rich in seed.
NOTES. The same Rishi and metre.—Verse 10 = MS. IV, 11, 1. Verse II = TS. I, 5, 11, 1.
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