MANDALA I, HYMN 78. ASHTAKA I, ADHYAYA 5, VARGA 26. 1. O Gâtavedas, who dwellest among all tribes, we the Gotamas (praise) thee with our song-we praise thee aloud with (songs full of) splendour.
2. Gotamal desirous of riches exalts thee, as thou art, with his song. We praise thee aloud with (songs full of) splendour.
3. We call thee, such as thou art, the highest winner of booty, as Angiras did. We praise thee aloud with (songs full of) splendour.
4. (We praise) thee, the greatest destroyer of enemies (or, of Vritra), who hurlest the Dasyus away-we praise thee, such as thou art, aloud with (songs full of) splendour.
5. We the Rahāganas' have recited a honeysweet speech to Agni. We praise thee aloud with (songs full of) splendour.
The same Rishi. Metre, Gayatri.
Verse 2. Note l. This probably means, 'the descendant of Gotama. See Zeitschrift der D. Morg. Gesellschaft, XLII,
Verse 6. Note 1. The Rahúganas seem to be a branch of the Gotamas; see Åsvalayana Srautasätra XII, 11, 1.
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