7. Agni Vaisvânara, extending by his greatness over all dominions, who is to be worshipped, the bright one, rich in loveliness, is awake (or, is praised) among the Bharadvâgas, in the homestead of Purunitha Sâtavaneya, with his hundredfold blessings.
The same Rishi as in 1, 58. Metre, Trishtubh. None of the verses of this hymn occurs in the other Samhitas.
Verse 1. Note 1. Comp. VII, 11, 1. ná rité tvát amritäh mâdayante, 'the immortals do not enjoy themselves without thee.'
Note 2. Literally, the navel.' Comp. Muir, V, 214.
Note 3. Comp. IV, 5, I (see below). úpa stabhayat upamít ná ródhah.
Verse 2. Note 1. Comp. the remark on I, 58, 7 (note 1).
'Verse 3. Note 1. I cannot follow Prof. von Roth (Zeitschrift der D. Morgenl. Gesellschaft, XLVIII, 116), who explains dadhire as a third person sing. of dhri.
Verse 4. Note 1. The incompleteness both of the construction and of the metre shows that the text of the first Pâda is corrupt. I doubt whether it ever will be possible to restore the correct reading with full certainty, but I shall be glad if others succeed better than I did--and I may add, better than Prof. von Roth (Zeitschrift der D. Morg. Gesellschaft, XLVIII, 117 seq.) seems to me to have succeeded-in correcting and in interpreting the text. I think that after sånáve
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