MANDALA I, HYMN 36. ASHTAKA I, ADHYÅYA 3, VARGA 8-11.. 1. We implore with well-spoken words the vigorous? Agni who belongs to many people, to the clans that worship the gods“, whom other people (also) magnify.
2. Men have placed Agni (on the altar) as the augmenter of strength. May we worship thee, rich in sacrificial food. Thus be thou here to-day gracious to us, a helper in our striving for gain, O good one!
3. We choose thee, the all-possessor, as our messenger and as our Hotri. The flames of thee, who art great, spread around; thy rays touch the heaven.
4. The gods, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, kindle thee, the ancient messenger. The mortal, O Agni, who worships thee, gains through thee every prize.
5. Thou art the cheerful Hotri and householder, O Agni, the messenger of the clans. In thee all the firm laws are comprised which the gods have made!.
6. In thee, the blessed one, O Agni, youngest god, all sacrificial food is offered. Sacrifice then thou who art gracious to us to-day and afterwards ?, to the gods that we may be rich in valiant men.
7. Him, the king, verily the adorers approach reverentially. With oblations men kindle Agni, having overcome all failures.
8. Destroying the foel, they (victoriously) got through Heaven and Earth and the waters; they
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