meincely Pollables Bap to,
Tasvins and 32; the the gods
226; contributes to joy intoxication), 127; sukra somapîtha, 231; sukra madhumat, 232; taken from Indra by Namuki, and brought away again by the Asvins and distilled by Sarasvatî, 222, 233; the second of the ten deities all the gods' receive oblations of drops, 280; Soma Vaishnava, king of the Apsaras, 366; Soma is the seed of the vigorous steed, 390; king
Soma's throne-seat, 461. Soma-netrab (devåb), seated above,
Somalil, 4 dan pahite Commiremorca).
Soma juice le bought itation,
1817 ins... 342
343 342 shabled.
sokis,-haras, sokis, ar kis (heat, fire,
flame) of Agni, IV, 182. Soma, the moon, III, introd. xxviii;
means truth, light, 8; glory, 56; princely power (kshatra), 82; by four syllables gained fourfooted cattle, 40; pap to, 56; brown bull is of his nature, 57; Soma Vanaspati, pap of syâmâka millet to, 70; Soma, king of Brahmanas, 72, 95; pârthaoblation to Soma, 82; tigerskin his beauty, 81, 92; rathavimokanîya-oblation to, 102; assists Varuna, 113; (upasad) pap to, 118; (paikabila) pap on south part of veda, 120, 121; fee to Brahman, brown ox, 122; prayugâm havis (pap), 125; Soma withheld from Indra, 130; Soma juice flows from Indra, 131; Soma bought at new moon after year's initiation, 181; is paramâhutib, 258; the blowing wind (Vayu), 343; the vital airs, 342; the breath, 354; life-sap, 342; buying, driving about, &c., 342; is the drop, 405; the imperishable, 405; is Pragâpati, sv, introd. xxi; rules over trees, IV, 76; protector of the north, 102; connected with Maruts, ekavimsa-stoma, nishkevalya-sastra, vairâga-saman, 102; the nectar of immortality, 251, 252 ; with Agnikayana, Soma to be pressed for a year, 320; is the moon, 349; V, 6, 9, 10; pressed at full moon, and in the subsequent half-month enters waters and plants, 10; Soma created out of Pragapati with a life of a thousand years, 15; Agni and Soma become eater and food, 16; Soma, the moon, is the Avvamedha, 33, 34; takes Sri's royal power and receives (mitravinda) oblation (pap), 62-65; fetched from heaven by Gayatrí in bird's shape, 123; Pragapati, the sacrifice, is king Soma, 205 seq.; one purged by Soma offers the Sautramani, 217 seq. ; is the drink of the Brâhmana, 217; is Indra's faithful companion,
Soma-Rudra, pap to, cooked with
milk from white cow with white calf, III, 65; they removed darkness from the sun (Surya),
66. Soma-sacrifice, interlinked with
Agnikayana, III, 343; the performer of it eats food once a year in the other world, IV, 299; is (Pragàpati's) seventeenfold food, 348; as distinguished
from baviryagña, V, 119. soma-samstha, sii, introd. xi, xii. Somasushma Satyayagi, disputation
on Agnihotra at Ganaka's house,
V, 112, seg. somatipavita, III, 139; somatiputa,
V, 336. somavámin, III, 119; V, 217, 226. soma-vendor, malted rice bought
from him at Sautrâmari, v,
220, son,--sons treated kindly by father,
IV, 25; when asked by father to do anything, say what will therefrom accrue to us?' 59; dear son a favourite resort, 161; taken by father to his bosom, 206; sons in early life subsist on father, the reverse in later life, V, 157; father returning from abroad is received kindly by his sons, 204; father and son part in time of peace,
308. Sona Satrásâha, king of Paritala, per
formed the Asvamedha, V, 400. sounding-holes, are the vital airs,
V, 487. South, connected with Kshatra, &c.,
III, 91; kine and goats most
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