dîkshanîyeshri, III, 44; IV, 258;
without samishrayagus, 258. disam aveshtayab, III, 120. disya, regional bricks, in first layer,
III, 188 seq.; in second layer (=asvini), IV, 31 seq.; in third layer, 43 seq.; are the regions and the sun, 43, 44; are the
metres, 45. Diti (and Aditi), viewed by Mitra
and Varuna, III, 93. dog, the moon is the heavenly dog,
watching the Sacrificer's cattle (to seize them) and coming down at new moon, V, 10; dog's clutch (svalukita), a burning pain, 10; dog driven away by bow or staff, 11, 12; an unclean animal, 178; four-eyed dog lilled at Asvamedha and plunged under horse's feet, 279; dog is
untruth, 446. driba, (driva), arrow, III, 88. drops, oblation of. See stokîya. drought, produces a lawless con
dition, V, 18. drums, seventeen put up, III, 23;
one beaten by Brahman priest,
34. durva, grass (and brick), III, 187,
379; is cattle, 379; etymology, 380; is the kshatra, breath and vital sap, 380; grows up joint by joint, knot by knot, 381; spreads and branches out by
a hundred shoots, 381; IV, 2. Dushtaritu Paumsầyana, a king, V,
269, 272. Dvadasâha, opening Atirâtra of, III,
introd. xix. Dvaitavana. See Dhvasan. dvâpara, die, III, 107. dvâvimsa-stoma, is vigour, the year,
IV, 63. dvipada, the ample metre in the form
of which sheep were produced, IV, 38; of twenty syllables,
385 ; offering of, V, 343. Dviyagus brick, is this earth, seen
by Indragni, III, 381; is the Sacrificer, 381; his human body, 382; laying down of, 383 ; is the hip of Agni, the
sacrificial animal, 400; IV, 2. Dyaus, gives birth to Agni, III,
Eagle. See syena, suparna. ear, one of the five vital airs (of the
head), III, 402; as the regions, is the child of heaven, IV, 10; from it autumn is produced, 10; is Visvamitra (all-friend), 10; introduced from the left (or upper) side, 11; is one only, 11; sustained by the upward vital air (udana), 15; one of the five divisions of vital air in the head, 190; the ear evolved from the eye, and from it work, 378, 379; the two ears connected by channel, V, 36; what is thought by mind is spoken by speech, and heard by the ear, 263; Adhvaryu and Sacrificer whispering in the (right)
ear of the horse, 287. earth, three of them, III, 27;
afraid of consecrated Brihaspati and vice versa, 34; ditto of Varuna, 103; union with Agni, 148 ; (bhůmi) a foundation, 147, 158; (prithivî) the broad, 148, 158; is the Gâyatri, 148; connected with Pragapati and Agni, 187; created as one consisting of eight syllables, 2 32; fashioned by Vasus by means of Gayatri, 233; navel of the earth, 258; a firm resting-place, 278; sur rounded by ocean, 301; is circular, 309; the mother of Agni Purishya, 311; is Pragâ pati's Garbapatya, 314; after its creation, darkness was everywhere, 319; Pragâ pati its begetter, 346; spread on waters like a lotus leaf, 364; is Agni's womb, 364; is established on truth, 364; is the truth, the most certain of worlds, 364; sheds seed upwards in the form of smoke (steam) which becomes rain, 383; bears everything breathing, 387; is measured out, fashioned (mità); is the course (eva), IV, 88; on earth one thinks with the heart, and the mind, 95; is the most substantial (rasatama) of worlds, 179; is the right wing of Agni-Pragåpati, the altar and universe, 179; steadied by mountains and
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