become (sharers of) the royal power, they will become kings worthy of being consecrated; but those who do not go on to the end of this (sacrifice) will be excluded from royal power, they will not become kings, but nobles and peasants, unworthy of being consecrated : do not ye therefore be heedless, and keep it (the horse) from water suitable for bathing and from mares! And whenever ye meet with any kind of Brahmanas, ask ye them, “O Brahmanas, how much know ye of the Asvamedha ?” and those who know naught thereof ye may despoil; for the Asvamedha is everything, and he who, whilst being a Brâhmana, knows naught of the Asvamedha, knows naught of anything, he is not a Brâhmana, and as such liable to be despoiled. Ye shall give it drink, and throw down fodder for it; and whatever prepared food there is in the country all that shall be prepared for you. Your abode shall be in the house of a carpenter of these (sacrificers'), for there is the horse's restingplace.
THIRD BRAHMANA. 1. Having set free the horse, he (the Adhvaryu) spreads a cushion wrought of gold (threads) south of the Vedi : thereon the Hotri seats himself. On the right (south) of the Hotri, the Sacrificer on a gold stool® ; on the right of him, the Brahman
* Thus Harisvâmin,--tesham ka yagamânânâm madhye rathakaro yas tasya grihe yushmakam vasatah. The plural is probably meant as including the subjects of the king (cf. XI, 8, 4, 1), and the villages within reach of which the horse will roam.
? At XI, 5, 3, 4; y 'kärka' seems to mean a bunch or pad of grass, used as a seat. In the present instance it is explained as
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