and Kshatra he purifieth,' he purifies the milk1: he thus produces the Kshatra from out of the Brahman, for from out of the priesthood the nobility is produced;-'the fiery spirit and energy;' fiery spirit and energy, vital power, he thus bestows on him;-'with the Surâ the Soma,' for with the Surâ-liquor is Soma;-'the juice, is distilled,' for from the distilled the juice is obtained; 'for joy,' to joy (intoxication), indeed, the Soma-juice contributes, and to joy also does the Surâ-liquor: he thus secures both the joy of the Soma, and the joy of the Surâ ;-'with the pure juice, O god, satiate the deities!' that is, 'with the pure juice satisfy thou the deities;'-'with sap bestow thou food on the Sacrificer,' sap and food he thereby bestows on the Sacrificer. The cups of milk are taken first, then the cups of Surâliquor: he thereby makes the peasantry obedient to the nobility.
13. With (Vag. S. XIX, 6), 'Yea, even as the owners of barley cut their barley...,' (the Adhvaryu) fills (three) cups of milk,-barley-stalks are Soma-stems, and milk is Soma-juice: by means of Soma he thus makes it Soma-juice. With a single (verse) he fills them: singly and solely on the Sacrificer he thus bestows prosperity, for milk is prosperity.
14. With (Vâg. S. XIX, 7), 'Separately, indeed, a seat, acceptable to the gods, hath been prepared for you two,' he fills the (three) cups
1 This takes place on the northern Vedi, by means of a wooden (reed) vessel and a strainer of goat's and sheep's hair.
For the complete verse, see V, 5, 4, 24.
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