and the Mahavrata?; and thus, indeed, this Sacrificer also has a twofoldfoundation, and he thus makes the Sacrificer reach the heavenly world, and establishes him therein.
THIRD BRÂHIMANA. 1. Saukeya Prakinayogya came to Uddalaka Åruni for a disputation on spiritual matters, thinking, 'I desire to know the Agnihotra.'
2. He said, 'Gautama, what like is thy Agnihotra cow ? what like the calf? what like the cow joined by the calf ? what like their meeting? what like (the milk) when being milked? what like when it has been milked? what like when brought (from the stable)? what like when put on the fire? what like when the light is thrown on it*; what like when water is poured thereto? what like when being taken off (the fire) ? what like when taken off? what like when
accordance with the calculations in Book X), the year is identified with the fire-altar, a mahâvedi containing 360 Yagushmatî bricks.
Sâyana reminds us that the Mahâvrata-så man consists of five parts in five different stomas (Trivrit, &c., see part iv, p. 282, note 4), the verses of which, added up (9, 15, 17, 25, 21), make 87, which amount is apparently, in a rough way, to be taken as identical with that of 88 obtained in note 4 of last page.
· Viz, inasmuch as the total amount of Brihatts (362) exceeds by two the number of days in the year.
• Sâyana takes 'brahmodyam agnihotram' together, in the sense the sacred truth' regarding (or, in the form of the Agnihotra, - ágnihotravishayam brahmodyam brahmatattvasya rupam pratipådyate yena tad vividishảmi tadvishayam vedanekkhâm karishyamityådinâbhipråyenâgatah. Unless 'brahmodyam' could be taken as an adjective, I do not see how it is possible to adopt Sâyana's interpretation.
• For letting the light of a burning straw fall on the milk to see whether it is done, see II, 3, 1, 16.
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