81. Thou, the knowing one, hast eagerly performed the messengership of the sacrifice, looking over both ends, over the two worlds. Thou goest as a messenger, chosen from of old, thou who knowest best the ascents to heaven.
9. Thy path is black. Light is before thee, the red one. Thy flame is speedy. This is one of the wonders: when the virgin conceives (thee as her) child', thou becomest a messenger, as soon as thou art born.
10. As soon as he is born, his strength shows itself, when the wind blows upon his flame. He turns his sharp tongue among the dry brushwood. Even solid food he tears to pieces with his teeth.
11. When he thirstily has grown strong by thirsty food, restless Agni appoints a thirsty messenger. Consuming the wood) he follows the ... ? of the wind. He seems to drive forward a quick horse ; the racer speeds along.
The same Rishi. The metre is Gagati in verse 1, Anushtubh in verses 2-6, Trishtubh in verses 7-11.-Verse I=VS. III, 15; XV, 26; XXXIII, 6; TS. I, 5, 5, 1; MS. I, 5, 1.
Verse 5. Note 1. The seven flames or tongues of Agni ? The seven Hotris? The seven Ratnas?
Verse 6. Note 1. Cf. IX, 107, 18. pári góbhih úttarah sidan váneshu avyata.
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