said, that indeed is the Vaisvânara of divers courses; and because thou knowest that Vaisvânara of divers courses, therefore divers rows of cars follow thee; and, verily, he who knows that Vaisvânara of divers courses, repels death, and attains all life. But, in truth, this is only the breath of Vaisvânara, and thy breath would have failed thee, hadst thou not come hither; or the breath would be unknown to thee, hadst thou not come hither.'
8. He then said to Indradyumna Bhallaveya, O Vaiyaghrapadya, as whom knowest thou Vaisvânara ?'—'As Sun only, O king,' he replied.* Yea,' he said, "that indeed is the Vaisvânara of Soma's splendour?; and because thou knowest the Vaisvånara of Soma's splendour, therefore that Somajuice never fails to be consumed and cooked in thy house; and, verily, he who knows that Vaisvånara of Soma's splendour, repels death, and attains all life. But, indeed, this is only the eye of Vaisvanara, and thine eye would have failed thee, hadst thou not come hither; or the eye would be unknown to thee, hadst thou not come hither.'
9. He then said to Gana Sarkaråkshya, O Sayavasa, as whom knowest thou Vaisvanara?'
As Heaven only, o king,' he replied.— Yea,' he said, 'that indeed is Vaisvânara Pre-eminence; and because thou knowest the Vaisvânara Pre-eminence, therefore thou art pre-eminent among thine equals; and, verily, he who knows that Vaisvånara Pre
* Or, perhaps better, ' of Soma's fire.' The Krândogya-upanishad has. Sutegas (of beautiful splendour, or light),' instead of 'suta
· According to Sâyana, this refers to the cooking, or baking, of the cakes (purodâsa) connected with the Soma-sacrifice.
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