my vigour, giver of lustre, become thou pure for lustre!' Then the Dhruva with,' For my life, giver of lustre, become thou pure for lustre!' Then the two Soma-troughs (Patabhrit and Ådhavaniya) with, 'For all mine offspring, givers of lustre, become ye pure for lustre!' Now the two troughs belong to the All-gods, for therefrom they draw (Soma) for the gods, therefrom for men, therefrom for the Fathers: therefore the two Somatroughs belong to the All-gods.
4. Then the Dronakalasa with (Våg. S. VII, 29), Who (ka) art thou? Which one art thou?'Ka is Pragàpati ;— Whose (kasya, or Ka's) art thou? who (ka) art thou by name?'-ka (who') by name is Pragâpati ;—'Thou upon whose name we have thought,' for he indeed thinks upon his name; – Thou whom we have gladdened with Soma;'--for he indeed gladdens him with Soma. Having drawn the Åsvina cup, he prays for blessing part after part of the sacrifice) with, “May I be abundantly supplied with offspring,' thereby he prays for offspring ;-'abundantly supplied with men, thereby he prays for men (heroes);'abundantly supplied with food!' thereby he prays for prosperity.
5. He must not let every one eye them, but only him who is well known, or one who is his friend, or one who, being learned in sacred lore, may acquire these (texts) through study. Having drawn the Åsvina cup, he (thus) produces the whole sacrifice; and having produced the whole sacrifice, he deposits it in his own self, and makes it his own.
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