cup, the Ukthya cup, and the Aditya cup,-after them cows are produced. Now, these are again employed in the sacrifice: hence creatures are here produced again and again.
9. And because goats are produced after the fewest cups, therefore, though bringing forth thrice in a year, producing two or three, (they are) very few, for they are produced after the fewest cups.
10. And because cows are produced after the most cups, therefore, though bringing forth once in a year, and producing one each time, (they are) most numerous, for they are produced after the most cups.
11. Then, in the Dronakalasa (trough) he finally draws the Hâriyogana graha. Now, the Dronakalasa is Pragàpati ;—he turns unto these creatures, and fosters them, and kisses them?: he fosters them in that he produces them.
12. Now, these same cups after which creatures are produced, are five,-those of the Upâmsu and Antaryâma (counting as) one and the same, the Sukra cup, the Ritu cup, the Ågrayana cup, and the Ukthya cup; for there are five seasons in the year, and Pragàpati is the year, and the sacrifice is Pragapati. But if there be six seasons in the year, then the Aditya cup is the sixth of them.
13. But indeed there is only that one cup after which creatures are produced here, to wit, the U pâmsu cup; for the Upâmsu is breath, and Pragâpati is breath, and everything here is after Pragâpati.
Or, smells, sniffs at them (as a cow does the calf).
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